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please, instant advice.. anything helps!

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Hey, I've been going out with my girlfriend for 5 months now.. and things are sometimes up, and sometimes down. She is 14, and I am 15, and sometimes I get the vibe that she doesn't respect me , like I do to her. I give her space, am nice, polite.. everything, but I am not uptight at all. Sometimes when I feel this way, I think that it may because she's young, and immature in relationship sense, and doesn't really know what's considered mean? sometimes I feel like im not getting her full attention when other people are around.. and even sometimes when we're alone. Tonight we had a dance, and 2 out of about 10 slow songs we danced, and 3 of the other ones she danced with other guys.. (kind of unpopular guys) and she was a little drunk too. (don't ask) well I went out to the lobby and sat on the bench, and she was over on another bench with people, and saw me.. and didnt come over!! What kind of girlfriend is that? she gets up and walks into the dance after a few minutes so I went to go dance with her, and I see her come back out, look at me, then sit on the bench.. then I go inside.. and stand there, and she see's me.. but then I see her dancing with some guy. Is it that she doesn't like coming to me to talk, and likes being takled to, in any situation..or does it seem like she doesn't respect me, or what.. any advice is needed~

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This is the sorts of thing that happened to me in my first relationship man (which was about 3 months ago - we broke up, was together for about 5 months). I also asked myself too, "what kind of girlfriend doesn't give her b/f attention and stuff when the guy does?" We ended up breaking it up; she dumped me because I started to avoid her and stuff. I got over it pretty within a few days.


Now, recently I've been going out with another girl (been like 2 weeks now) and she is outgoing like me, and we get along VERY well - we can tell each other basically anything - we connect so well, but then again I'm not here to tell you about my life; I'm here to give you advice.


Talk it over with your girlfriend, your insecurities; and yes like you said - it could just be the immaturity because shes 14 and not quite ready for a relationship; just fun. Talk it over with her, if she won't respect and care for you after that, I think your better off without her.


Hope I helped.

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So what can I say to her..

Last week she said I was a little smothering.. and she seemed a little distant tonight, i don't know what to do

what can I say to her.. without making it sound like I am pestering her.. and p*ss her off.

Is it okay to tell the girl you've been with for 5 months, anything you're feeling.. and if she doesn't respect that..? then waht

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Well, do you feel happy? Do you want to be with her for Long term relationship? Ask yourself that first.


If you don't, just say you want to break it off; and that you two aren't getting along very well, or you can talk the issue over. Im not the one to make your decision

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