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Lets say your walking in the mall, and notice a attractive girl, would it be bad to approach her and start talking with her? Ask her out on a date? or do girls not like to be approached in malls. I dont want to seem like a jerk or anything, how would a conversation like that go?

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It depends on the girl from my experience.


About two years ago I was working for an agency looking for model potential girls (and guys sometimes) and noticed a lot of things. I would say 90% of them welcome the smile with "Hi, how are you?" and would get a good response...and I comment on their striking feature like "I couldn't help but notice your eyes are gorgeous" and go from there...I mean you really have to be honest & up front.


It's all in the approach...I probably talked to girls (professionally of course) between the ages of 16 up to women as old as in their 40's. Older women...they absolutely LOVE to hear those words. One almost started crying LOL but she was absolutely gorgeous for her age.


So be up front but give them the friendly impression with a smile. If the girl is not interested she'll give you a sign right away...

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I had tried to do what you want to do, only it happeneded in school. I saw this one really cute girl and started to talk to her, I was pretty confident and all. So i started to have a conversation with her, it was short because i dont have anythign else to say to her. The reason why is htat i dont know nothign about her. It's hard to talk to a girl who you dont know at all. I suggest you find a girl that you actually know.

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imo if you're approaching a stranger like that you should wait for a pretty good cluster of signals (like eye contact a few times, body language etc) then go for it. My success has been so much better after I knew she was into me than going in blind so to speak. Signals are a girls way of saying that you/her are on the same level and she likes you, otherwise you might be approaching a girl who thinks she isnt good enough or some stuck up b*tch who thinks she is too good. (usually the former in my case )


I also found girls who are more proficient at flirting tend to be more proficient elsewhere too

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I don't think it's a bad idea. I've been hit on at malls- weird thing is, only in the elevator. I went on one about a year ago when there were a few other teenaged guys ( I was 13, they were probably 16-17) out of nowwhere one of them just said, "Why are elevators so quiet?" It was just so blunt and out of nowwhere that it was funny, and we all tried not to laugh. Then he asked me for my number, I was a little surprised and nervous with those other guys there but said "No" with a smile and got off-too old for me. But if I had been in a store and he talked to me for a bit (I dunno, maybe get a name?) and I was closer in age, maybe I'd of said yes. I've always been pretty tall for my age so that probably confused him.

Another time in an elevator, I had just gotten my glasses. My cousin was testing me, saying,"Can you read that?" and "Is that clearer?" Any way, we went on the elevator and I was taking my glasses on and off over and over (Hey! It was my first time seeing things so clearly!) and I didn't realize two hot guys had gotten on the elevator as well. When I got off, I noticed them, and my cousin grabbed my arm, and said, "Why did you have to do that?!" I asked her what she was talking about. Apparently she overheard them whispering, they knew I wasn't paying attention and my cousin was just eleven :

"You looked so goofy! Those guys thought you were hot, but then you started messing with your glasses and one of them changed his mind about asking you out!"

Ah well. OH! But getting back on topic, I don't think any girl would mind if you talked to her at the mall.

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