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I can tell, she likes me ( what do u think of this plan ?)

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Ok, I'll have to amend the old saying to "if everyone jmped off of a bridge without bungee cords, would you do it do?" Ideas the same, just because others think it's right, doesn't mean it is.


Everyone always seems to assume that I'm saying spend every second with her and shower her with constant attention. That's not at all what I am saying. Go on with life as usual. If you have the chance to speak with her, there is nothing wrong with speaking to her. If you are busy and can't talk to her much, thats ok. But from the sound of things he is intentionally not speaking to her despite the fact that he can and actually wants to. That's not good and doesn't make any sense. It's not being "wussy" to talk to someone or spend time with them like I'm saying.


Note that you are also saying that its time to hang out with her, precisely what I have said all along. This idea of staying away just to see how she feels only wasted time that you could actually have been spending together, getting to really know each other and seeing if anything is really there.




Now we are getting to the real issues. All these things don't necessarily mean she likes in a relationship way, it could be that she sees you as a friend with whom she has a strange banter with. In addition, if you aren't even close friends, then how do you know you are reading her correctly. You could be way off.


But the real problem is just what you said, you don't have the guts to say something to her about how you feel. So you beat around the bush, play games, try to draw her into making the first move. You want her to like you so you take any sign that could be something and assume that it means she likes you. And she may like you. But the only way to know is to say something and take action. Ignoring her isn't taking action. Girls generally want a guy to make a move, not dance around the subject, testing the waters instead of jumping in. You need to ask for her number, ask her to hang out sometime. If you are nervous about it, don't think about it being a date or saying you like her. Just try to be friends first and spend more time together, getting to know each other. Then you can really find out if you are compatible enough for anything more and you can know exactly where you stand. Otherwise you are just going to drive yourself crazy with uncertainty and inaction.

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well, i wont ignore her. I will just treat her normally. How could i read her feelings ? Believe me i have the ability to understand people more than u imagine iexpect what people will say ,do and know how they feel mostly all the time. Maybe i will take her phone number, but u know what i know i wont do anythign with it .. I had this idea only also to see how she reacts . ahh I know it difficult to let the girl to the action but i will jusst keep the pace normally as if we are friends. I will wait, maybe time would reveal some of the hidden things.


Going out with her and stuff like that are very difficult, So as i said , in alot cases i can judge people easily, so i will trust my heart.. Also we are not in a hurry, still iam 18 years old and we still have 4 years together..


Maybe she meets someone else ? Well, 90% shek nows that i like her, so if she chosed another one means that she dont like me.. and the problem is finished.. I wont give her chance to think that i just forgot her, i will just like hang her for like 3 years lol what should i do !!!

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Well I think overall everyone in here has more or less the same idea. BUT I think it's ok every now and then to NOT talk to her even when u have the chance to. Just to show her (in a sense) that when she comes seeking attention from you, you do not have to give it to her. You have other people, other things, others problems in your life than just her.


When you do talk with her, however, be sure to have her laughing. Feel free to bust on her . . . actually . . . be sure to bust on her.


And I agree with you ShySoul on doing some activities with her. Saying no ALL the time would make her think he's not interested in her.


Well this is what I know works for me. Good luck buddy ! ! !

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ok, well i just finished talking to her right now on msn.. We were in the same school but didnt know that except when we went to college. So i started talking about this.. that we shared the same school and stuff..


She laughted, so here is what i think from my general view.. my view from above.... She knows that i like her, she likes me but needs to know me better.. Like she dont love me that much but she is interested. SHe still needs some time.. I wont rush things, again i will wait and just act noramally iwth extra confidence and see what happens next

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I don't agree with this strategy 100%. Playing hard to get or a catch is one thing, but ignoring her is somewhat different. Be careful with this. Even if she likes you now, those feelings may turn to anger and dislike if you keep it up for a long period of time or if your methods come out as cruel. If she has little self esteem, you ignoring her will only withdraw her further.


An example, a few years ago there was this girl that I found very attractive. The first few times we talked we had short conversations but they were very pleasant. Then I noticed she got really snooty and ignored me. She did a complete 180. To this day it baffles me because it came without any good reason, or maybe when I first met her she was feeling her way through the company to know the muckity mucks, which I wasn't. Anyway, this turned me off so much that what I felt for her was gone completely and she wasn't even attractive to me anymore.


Your girl may eventually feel the same if your intentions come out as mean and hearltess.

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yeah i totally agree with u.. I wont ignore her more and i also wont put myself in that situation where iam running after her u know..


I will just act normally with confidence.. Thats what i need confidence. I will treat her completely normally but maybe like one time i can flirt with hr or something. we will c

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