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relationship help.. please take 2 mins!

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Okay, I am going to say my whole story, and you please give me some input, any advice is greatly appreciated and I won't take any for granted.

I've been with my girlfriend for 5 months now, (im 15, she's 14) we're pretty serious, we're pretty close with each others families, and we've done MANY things together , activites.. and we have tried some sexual things as well. Anyways! Sometimes I get the vibe that she doesn't really notice I am there, like at school for instance, she seems to have more fun talking to her friends, but then when we're at my house, she seems to be pretty focused on me, and we always play around. Sometimes she says things like "don't touch me" or something... as a joke, but she says things like that quite often. Last week she said I was a little smothering, so I've been backing off a bit, eating lunch with my friends, not being online ALL the time, and it seems to be working. She has made plans for tomorrow night, and the next day for us.. and then ALL next weekend we're hanging out with friends too. So it's nice to know she is including me in her plans, but I still sometimes get the feeling that she doesn't appreciate me like she used to. Maybe it's because she feels now that we're going out.. she doesn't need to impress me, and maybe isn't being as nice to me either. I want it to be so she loves it when I come into the room, and misses me, but not make it so she never see's me. For example, her sister, and her sister's boyfriend eat lunch together everyday, and she always saves a seat for him. (they've been together for 1 year and a half). The thing is.. my girlfriend would probably just let me sit at the end of the table, beside one of her friends. Do you think it's just that she's immature? Doesn't respect me? Do you think that I should confront her.. in a non-threatening way.. so she realizes how she sometimes acts towards me.. and will feel guilty. All of her friends see how well I treat her, and all the things I do for her. I just wish I could get that respect back. I think that she has the feelings for me.. but she just isn't letting them out easily.

Please help!

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I think she is just 14 years old, and trying to enjoy her high school experience with her friends. She's young. (as are you.)


Being in a serious and committed relationship at age 14 is a very heavy thing, especially if her friends are for the most part single. Her big concern at this age is most likely fitting in.


It sounds as though she is plenty into you and I think you are expecting way too much for someone of such a young age.


Relax! Enjoy the time you do spend together, but also back off and have your own life too, hang with your friends and enjoy the things you like to do solo, like before you met her.


If you keep smothering her and trying to pull her, she will leave. No one appreciates being smothered, and she has already talked to you about it, so listen and relax.

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I agree with the above poster. You are young. Enjoy the time you have to hang out with friends, explore your interests, etc.


Your girlfriend is just being 14. I didn't even talk to boys when I was 14. It is very, very unlikely that you will have a lasting, committed relationship at the age of 15. Enjoy what you have, and what she is willing to give you.

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