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I'm finding my long distance relationship hard.

I'm totally in love with my boyfriend and would love to see him more often but it just isn't possible because of his work commitments.

Every time i take him to the airport I get sad and wonder how much longer I can do this and ask myself if I really can handle a LDR.

Does anyone have any advise because I really want to make it work...

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LDRs can be hard, but it comes down to what you want and what you think you can deal with. Sometimes people just can't deal with the distance. The key to it all is good communication. You need to talk to him about your feelings. Why is it hard? Are you unsure of his feelings or your own? How often do you see him? How far apart are you? You didn't say much about your relationship and it's hard to give suggestions without a bit more to go on.


Sorry I can't be of more help.

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