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Places out of the house to do it

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Hey me an my gf do it alot but this weekend im going to her place. We wanna do it again but we are going to be home with her mom. In the surrounding area in walking distance there is a shopping/downtown area. I'm wondering if anyone has some brilliant or simple idea for alternative places to have sex. All replies welcome

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I've done it on the rooftops of stores before. Phone booths are also good. Wear some baggy clothing and have her sit on your lap somewhere in public, where people will see you. They won't know exactly what you're doing if you're careful and it should be a rush.

Have fun.

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my ex-girlfriend was the horniest thing on this planet and she wouls jump me at the most random times. The trick with toilets is making sure you're both QUIET and that u go in and out discreetly when people aren't watching. Storming into a toilet giggling and rubbing against each other isnt a good idea...

Oh and skyteph sweety, when u are asking for places to have sex in public or NEARLY in public, romance's not usually the main thing on your mind...

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Oh and skyteph sweety, when u are asking for places to have sex in public or NEARLY in public, romance's not usually the main thing on your mind...


Excuse me? I am not looking for anywhere to have sex. In fact I doubt I will be for a long time, I just found a previous post amusing so I replied to it.

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  • 11 months later...
Better yet, go INSIDE the dumpster. Then nobody will see or hear you.

LMAO! hahaha, omg. I'm DEFINITLY going to mention that to my boyfriend, he will get a kick.

With my ex bf, when it got really dark outside and we thought everyone was sleeping we had sex in someones back yard haha. That was fun!

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