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Cant Orgasm, need help :(

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ok im 17 years old and ive had sex enough times and ive never had an orgasm. guys have gone down on me and nothing has happened. i mean ive masturbated before and ive gotten all tingly and about to explode but then all the sudden it goes away. is there something wrong with me? now a days a relationship is based on sex and my boyfriend gets angry when i dont have one because he thinks its his fault and that makes me feel bad. is it because im too self conscious?? i dont know how focus when im in bed im always thinking im doing something wrong..maybe im just too young =\ blah i need help

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First of all, relationships are only based on sex when you allow them to be, it certainly is not the case with all relationship, nor ones that are going to go long term and healthy. Sexual compatibility and passion are important, but the key to healthy, long-living relationships is friendship, communication, compassion, honesty and understanding.


Many women take time to learn to orgasm, you should keep masturbating till you get it and can show your partner. It may be that you feel pressured to have one that you are not having one. If you are not comfortable with yourself and your sexuality it can hold you back from climax. Most women need clitoral stimulation, a few also can have g-spot/vaginal orgasms but starting at clitoral is a good place. You need to be able to relax and let loose, and not worry so much about the climax itself.

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I would first figure out why the feeling of climaxing suddnely goes away when it starts to emerge. Are you worried about the feeling of losing total control of what your body is expereicing? Also, You asked if you were to young. Do you feel to young to be having sex??? Also, you mentioned that you felt you were doing something wrong. Did you mean, sexually, or did you mean that having sex with your boyfriend was wrong. In part, if you are feeling guilty about the act, then those feelings of guilt are going to enter in the emotional component of sex. As RayKay stated, there is alot that goes into a healthy realtionship. Sex being only one component of that.

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