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i need HONEST advice...please help

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Ok heres my problem...its kinda stupid, but it bugs the crud outa me...I'm 14, I am 5 foot 3 inches tall, 96 pounds, and I have the like the flattest chest ever!!!! I'm pretty okay with my height and weight, but its embarrasing to be this chest size when im in high school! Do guys (and girls) really care about this matter? Some guys say Im pretty, but still, i feel overly self concsience...is anyone else in this position besides me?!?!

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Forget the Barbie, I am a guy, and really dont care what size the breasts are, as long as they are real, and not huge. my last girl friend was 35 and she used teen/petit size bra, and I loved her breast.


But i will not lie to you, some guys do like em big, your still young, you can expect some growth, you could be a "late bloomer" but let me ask you this, are you really interested in guys that would only go out with you if you had big boobs? think about that.!

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aight here's the deal im the same age as u and ther is guys that only care bout that but those guys dont matter aight looks arent everything cuz if they were i would have nuthin and u know if u have a great personality it shouldnt matter if anyone says anything then u know that there low life bastards aight thats pretty much all i got to say dont worry bout it ppl that only care bout looks should take a look at there personality aight and u have alot of guts to ask sumtin like this and i praise u for that

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hey, i'm 15, and let me tell you that it DOES NOT MATTER, if you are looking for a relationship, someone should go out with you for who you are, not for how you look! your personalitiy, warmth and the friendship that you offer should be the most important thing.


hope i've helped



-- Darknova

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Ok heres my problem...its kinda stupid, but it bugs the crud outa me...I'm 14, I am 5 foot 3 inches tall, 96 pounds, and I have the like the flattest chest ever!!!! I'm pretty okay with my height and weight, but its embarrasing to be this chest size when im in high school! Do guys (and girls) really care about this matter? Some guys say Im pretty, but still, i feel overly self concsience...is anyone else in this position besides me?!?!



Don't worry about it. Just enjoy being 14. I sometimes wish I could be 14 again and do things differently. You are just fine the way you are.

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Hey don't worry about it, but the chest size really doesn't matter. I am 20 years old, and dated a girl for 2 years that had a small chest. It doesn't really bother me at all, and like the previoius person stated, you have plenty of growth left.

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Hi babybottlepop007 ,


I'm a guy aged 19. I don't think that breast size is all that important as long as they're natural. My ex girlfriend was small in that area and I really didn't care, because in a relationship it's the personality that matters. It's what you do that determines who you are, not how you look.

If a guy truly cared for you, he would care about the size of your chest.

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