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Don't fret, you're just like most other guys your age. You're just afraid of the cold, hard rejection. I don't think you should set constraints on yourself as far as when, where, and how you could meet this girl. Just use common sense and don't ask her out by hanging down some rail during lunch where there are a thousand people around, looking into her eyes, and saying "hey baby I got a secret to show you, come right over here." So take it easy and no placing her on the pedestal! Bad! Also, you are the prize. Not her.

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As Caldus said, don't do it with a bunch of people around, but...

"hey baby I got a secret to show you, come right over here."


Yuck, don't call her 'baby', and that sounds like you wanna show her something she doesn't need to see. Unless you know her well. You don't need any cute ways to ask her, just a simple,"Do you want to go with me to ---" or whatever. You sound confident, if you get a 'gut feeling' that she likes you, you're probably right. If she does say no, it most likely won't be a "cold, hard" rejection if the girl has any common sense. Most girls will let a guy down very gently. Good luck!

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