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there's this guy at my university, and i think i have a really big crush on him. we had two classes together in the last two semesters, but i never had a chance to talk to him, because the classes were large with about two hundred people in there. well... maybe i had the chance but i was just too shy to go and sit next to him and start a conversation.

i don't know if he's noticed me: we had some eye contacts in class tho. most of the time it's like i looked back after class (because i knew he always sat at the back) and saw him looking at me, and then i looked away immediately. i know i can smile to him or something, but i was just so nervous when seeing him looking at me. sometimes the eyecontact lasted for more than 3 seconds, but I still ended up with looking away and pretending i didn't notice him. there was one time, i came to class late and so sat at the back. in the middle of the lecture he looked back at me and saw me staring at him (he was sitting in the middle of the class that day), and again i looked away right after i eyecontacted with him. i don't know if it's a sign that he's interested, or it's just my imagination.

i'm not that shy: i can say i'm a fun person when with people i'm familiar with, but when it comes to someone i like, i usually act very cold and pretend i don't even notice him. plus there's one more thing that holds me back: i don't speak english very well, so I know it'll be hard for us to communicate. don't know why i'm writing this... i know i'll never be able to start a convo with him, and maybe it takes forever for him to come to me first. just feel so depressed but i'm still hoping i'll see him next semester...thanks for reading...

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i usually act very cold and pretend i don't even notice him


So if your plan here is to get him to talk to you (or perhaps approach him yourself), how do you suppose that will ever happen based on what you wrote here? If I see a girl who pretends to not notice me then I would be less compelled to approach her.

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