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Hi! Ok so I'm 20 and I'm still cutting I have been since I believe 9th but, I think it was ealier than that. Anyway I'm resently trying to stop cutting its been a week so far almost 2 weeks coming up this sunday . Just wanted other's to know that if they ever need a friend or just someone to talk to you can reach me at my msng'ers

Msn: email removed

Yahoo: hiddenbehindscars


I'm always here for any new or old cutter who just wants advice. It has not been easy for me to stop. I tried to stop on Easter I only lasted a week which sucked. So now I'm starting over (trying too) It's been a challenge keeping my scars hidding all these year's I can't believe my mom hasn't seen or asked anything. Than again I guess that is a good thing. I've even thought about asking for help but than the thought of being put in a mental house (if ppl ever found out) that I'd probably be called crazy for the rest of my life but, I'm not crazy I just have problems like everyone else. Ways I've found to take edge off of wanting to cut either reading a books or writing poetry (they both help me.) Well I'll go I don't want to make this any more boring than it probably is. Please ppl at least look at this if u want I'm no forcing u. Well have a good evening!


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Find a substitute for that. When you feel like doing that, make yourself write your feelings down or better yet... go to someone who loves you to comfort you.


Hey, come here!


One of my friends who is trying to stop cutting now just takes a knife and starts stabbing at her stuffed animals... although I dont think Id recommend that either...

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It's awesome that you're trying to stop! I know how hard it is, and I hope that you succeed this time. We're all here for support.



And crazy is a relative term. Everyone on earth is crazy. If someone claimed to be sane.. then I wold be would become concerned.


Kudos on stopping though!


Be safe, stay strong

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it's great that your trying to stop but rele what can do to devert your attention a way from the cutting which it seems like your doing which is good

this has worked for me i usually play guitar to distract me but sometimes it doesnt always work

but this is what i did before my mom caught me so rite now i havent cut for two months by doing other things so that i wouldnt cut

but keep trying, you can stop

good luck!


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