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why is it often that people just don't care about whats

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going on or NOT going on with their friends and "associates"? What the psychology behind that?

One person, who isn't the bragging type tells another person that he/she is doing something that to most people, would be really cool. But the other person shows no interest at all, not even a tinge of deep-seated jealously. He or she just doesn't give a dog.


Any reasons?

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Because we're all different.


Not being a terribly material person myself, I'm not the least bit impressed or jealous if someone I know acquires a new toy (car, clothing, jewelry, electronics, etc.) of some sort. If it makes them happy, fine. To me it is all just stuff, and I have no interest. I'm not going to feign jealousy or envy when it's not something I would want anyway. Jealousy and envy are emotions that require the person feeling them to come from a place of lack -- to feel as if they're missing out on something or being deprived of something. I don't live in that brain space. I'd prefer to focus on what I do have than what I don't have.


Besides, I know if there is anything I really want (whether it's an actual thing, or a job, or a relationship or experience or whatever), I know that I have the ability to manifest it in my own life for myself, so what's there to be jealous of? So someone else doesn't "oooh" and "ahhh" over my latest accomplishment or my new car. Not a big deal. I'm not living my life to please anyone else, so I don't care what their opinions are, nor do I care if they give a crap what I'm doing or what I have. If I choose to do something or acquire something, I'll do it because that's what I want...not because I want to impress others.

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The disinterested person might be jealous (suppressing it) or might not be jealous (bored or having something else on their mind.) Either way it doesn't matter what that person thinks. The person doing the "cool" thing should just be happy he's got a tremendous opportunity to look forward to in his life and enjoy every minute of it. We can't control what other people think or do, so it's a waste of time to worry about it.


So... What cool thing are you going to be doing?

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