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I met a girl at a local bank recently and think she's attractive. We've talked a few times and I guess you can say have been flirtatious towards eachother. Since then I actually got her phone number but, havent called her until today which has been about a week since I got her number. The reason I waited so long is becuse of work and school and really havent had much time. So when I wnet to the bank today, she was there and I asked her when are we going to go out? She told me to give her a call so I did, got her voice mail, left a message, and havent got a call back. She seemed interested, Im wondering if she is playing hard to get. Its strange how women will seem all interested, give you their number, and not call you back. What's a guy to do??? Any pointers please respond!!!

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How was her body language when you saw her? Some men can mistake good customer service for being flirtacious. I'm not saying this is the case with you, but it seems as if she was really interested and you were reading her right, she would have called.


The good thing about your position with her, is that there is no emotional attachment so it will be relatively easy to move on to the next female. If you still want her then the next time you see her, keep things "business" and see how she reacts. Then, the following time you see her, tell her you like talking to her. Look for her reaction. If it's positive, say, "we should do it again." Then, look and listen for her reaction. If it's still good, ask her out right then and there. (thanks to Beec for this tip).

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Thats the thing, the second time I saw her I approached her on the whole business deal thing, actually opening an account. During that time we laughed and talked a good deal, that is when I asked her for her number. It wasnt until today when she told me to give her a call when I asked her out. In terms of her body language, she was quite busy and seemed stressed, this is when I asked her out for a drink or something to eat sometime this week. Its strange, I have no problem seeking women out but when it comes down to getting them in there is a void in what we are seeing right now. I am quite interested in her, she seems intellegent and is very attractive, someone who could be good company. I just dont want to mess things up but at the same time I dont want to let her slip through the cracks....

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Well you bascially have to wait to she calls you back. Next time don't leave any voice mail keep calling to you get her directly.


One thing you must understand, most girls will never say "NO" when asking them out or for their phone number, they will blow you off later! That is something you must understand.


Another thing is that when a girl is interested she is available and makes it easy, she also calls back!


I'd say if she is not calling you back she is simply not interested, especially if she is attrative and all.. she has guys all day hitting on her.


I have no problem seeking women out but when it comes down to getting them in there is a void in what we are seeing right now.


I don't know if I get what you wrote 100% here but its actually much easier to get a girls phone number and ask them out. IT is much harder to actually get the date and get intimate with the girl.


I used to think that the hardest part was getting the first date and asking the girl out.. thats the easy part! Its much harder to get multiple dates and get intimate with the girl. Most girls won't say NO to you in the beginning anyway.. they bascially do what this girl is doing to you, not calling you back and bascially blowing you off.


Well let us know what happens and give us an update.

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I guess the real question is how long should I wait to call her if she doesnt call back or should I jsut visit her in person??? When I do how should I go about asking her out again? I guess it's true, getting a girls # isnt the hard part, it is getting the date.

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I'd give her 3 days to respond. If she doesn't I wouldn't call back, but I'd follow Chai's advice about testing her reactions the next time you drop by the bank.


BTW - I'm a woman and I never realized women give out their numbers if they aren't interested. It's amazing our species ever reproduces!

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That's what is so strange, why would she even bother giving me her number (and it is her number also) if she wasnt interested? Perhaps shes testing the water... Ugggg i hate the game!!!!


They do this becuase they don't wnat to reject you to your face. Think about if some girl you didn't like hit on you, how would you reject her? If she asked you for your phone #, would you just say NO so harshly, you probably woundn't


This happened to me recently and I tought off all the typical excuses.. like "OH I just got out of a relationship etc" , "I'm not ready to date"


We don't know anything for sure yet, but if she doesn't call you back and you are sure she hasn't called back than she probably isn't interested.


Personally I wouldn't drop by the bank and pressure her again, if your in the bank just be normal. If she doesn't bring up that you called her or anything about that at all than move on, she is surly not interested.




the second time I saw her I approached her on the whole business deal thing, actually opening an account.


Dude did you open up an account just to talk with this girl more? Be honest?

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They do this becuase they don't wnat to reject you to your face.


You're right of course Eddie, but I think what Alpar and I find confusing is why do girls who aren't interested give out their REAL phone numbers? A fake one would do just as well and get the same point accross without giving a guy more false hope.

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A fake one would do just as well and get the same point accross without giving a guy more false hope


In this case she could not give him a fake one becuase she knows he will just come back and say "hey I think you accidently wrote the wrong number down". That would be more awkward and than becuase the guy is coming back a second time it will be more of his time wasted and worse when you have to blow him off again.


That will only suffice if you know for sure your not going to see the person again.

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