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how to ask to hang out

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I think this girl in one of my classes might like me. She talks to me during that period and stuff alot and writes things like i love you


I wanna hang out with her but I don't know what to say. I think it would be kinda weird for me to call her out of no where and ask her what shes doing so I gotta ask her in school.

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Can I assume you're a shy person in the beginning? She's giving you all kinds of hints that she likes you. It's pretty obvious.


Pretend she's just your best buddies like others...what do you talk to your friends about? Sports? Music? And go from there...Friday is coming so why not ask her if she wants to go see a movie that you both might like?


Just be friendly but confident and I'm sure she won't say no

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Ya, just be casual and ask her what she's doing on the weekend. I'm sure you have things you have other things planned and be like 'well I'm not doing anything Saturday if you want to..." and ask her out for coffee, lunch...something simple


Smile and nod as you ask...she will say yes & that's all you have to think

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Lmao at this post...god man, stop thinking so much. She gave you her number, even tho you didnt ask, call her up and ask her out...stop whining about finding a 'reason' to call, your reason should be "Hey what's up, this is ____" her --"oh hey" you--"yea I had to call and make sure you didnt give me a fake number(she may laugh), but anyways, I was thinking of goin out to _____'s(friends name) to hang and watch a movie(since you said no one goes to movies, rent one, even better b/c you can still talk and flirt), would you want to come over and hang out with us...maybe even bring some friends if you can..?" find a friend who has a decent size TV, maybe surround sound, and see if he'll hook you up one nite and you can all watch together....that good enough....? no more questions now...do it.

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