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Why stess over things like this....DONT

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Ok my ex and I just broke up not to long ago, and it hurt like hell. I cried everyday and I called him and called him to get him back, but it only made us more distant then we actually were. Well Now he doesnt want to be friends with me anymore, and I let everything just build up and I broke down. I mean I did nothing to deserve it. I sat down ripped up all the letters he wrote me and burned them, it actually felt so much better.


Well Now hes talking about me saying im and that im ugly, only to hurt me, and why give him the satisfication of knowing he is. Guys will be guys and try to hurt there ex in every possible way.


Dont stress over breaking up with someone, eventually you will get stronger and move on with your life, why let them know how much you miss them and still love them when its only gonna make you look like your weak, you wont get him back even if you write him a letter telling him your feelings, trust me. Its just a bragging right he knows he has over you, and prolly will end up showing his friends, and in the end youll look like a complete jerk!


The only way to get over an ex, is to cry and let everything out. Write him notes tell him everything he did wrong, but dont send it to him. Write one everyday until one day you can just sit down and read it and be like "wow hes a complete jerk I dont need him!"


Yes, it hurts real bad knowing you cant call him, and that you cant hug and kiss him anymore, it kills real bad. Somedays youll want to just pick up the phone and call him, but DONT! If he wanted to back, let him crawl back to you. Trust me on all this. Ive been thru it and im only 15!


It is hard, but any girl going thru it, pm me and I will help you!

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hey you're very right. it is hard...i mean he was my first bf for 9 months and it was soo hard to just pretend that i didnt care. but eventually that pretense became reality and he ended up cmoing back to me. but now we're in limbo again lol...hes sooo screwed but i totally agree that people have to just let go and not stress over it.

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I've been there and It's so easy to talk about it and give advice now but we all know that when we are in that situation we listen to NOBODY and believe nothing. Everyone tells us "Time will heal it" and of course we don't want to wait, we want instant happiness.


What's funny is that sometimes I look back and wonder what the heck I ever saw in her in the first place.

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