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i'm an idiot...feel like there's a pit in my stomach!

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so today there was a big office meeting and my "crush" was present. I looked up to find him staring at me and I gave a coy smile and turned away. When I looked again, he had leaned all the way back in his chair so that he was obstructed from my view.


Now for the rest of the day he wouldn't even look at me, whereas normally he looks up at me each time i walk back and forth by his desk.


i feel like an idiot! yuck!



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You did nothing stupid! You did more than him- you SMILED. You took that extra step.


In a way, this proves he is "all talk." (you know what I mean) Some guys arent used to having a girl return the flirtation to be honest. This scared him. Maybe in a few days, he'll get back on his feet.


he's probably thinking, "omg- does she like me too? what do I do?"


You are not an idiot! That was so brave! You should be congratulating yourself, silly. There is nothing you need to do or apologize for. If he's serious, he'll make the next move.


hopefully this time he wont back down from it.


You go girl!


so today there was a big office meeting and my "crush" was present. I looked up to find him staring at me and I gave a coy smile and turned away. When I looked again, he had leaned all the way back in his chair so that he was obstructed from my view.


Now for the rest of the day he wouldn't even look at me, whereas normally he looks up at me each time i walk back and forth by his desk.


i feel like an idiot! yuck!



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oh man i know the feeling lmao but hey at least your crush is lookin at you cuz he likes you it sounds like...mine looked at me for god knows what reason and since asking her out and gettin a maybe we haven't spoken to each other since...


then today i make a huge fool out of myself with this big school project thing because i changed what i was supposed to say and it threw alot of kids off so they were all pissed and she was there and i coulda swore i heard someone (in my head it was her even though it didn't sound like her really) say, "god he thinks hes so smart" and jeeeezzzzzeeeee i wish it was summer or something so i never have to see any of these people again lmfao



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Well he might have - and that is what is important.


Is there any way you can manufacture an excuse to talk to him about a work related matter - and then turn the conversation into an invitation to have coffee or lunch together - you know, to talk about it some more 8)

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I'd start by saying "Hey how's it going?" with a smile in the halls, and then probably more talking, possibly talk about the meeting or something to get you to adapt to me. Then from their I'd eventually ask you out, get #, etc.


I think he likes you....but if he stared at his work like a wimp, he's a wimp. He needs to get some balls and at least look at you for a while or smile back so you get the message.

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so if smiling is the one thing that guys "love", then do guys mind if a girl keeps giving him a flirtatious smile even if the guy is not really interested in dating the girl? Or does the girl just wind up looking like an ass??? I would imagine it could just be an ego boost for a shy guy if a girl kept giving him the coy looks, right? I don't mind keeping it up..as long as i know it wouldn't annoy him.


Shy guys...what do you think?

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