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Need honest opinions about a guy

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Theres this guy I've known and been crazy about for almost a year now. He's known for almost the whole time and he seemed really happy at first but then it got awkward, my friend used to go up and tell him to go and talk to me and he'd get embarrassed and say he can't. Anyway i was beginning to get over him when his friend told me that he actually used to have a "thing" for me, which brought all the feelings back. So last week my friend was talking to him and brought me up again, he said I'm a really nice girl so my friend said why don't you go up and talk to her and he said "cos she knows where I am if she wants to talk to me" Of course then I walked in the door and he had a huge smile on his face and said hi, i was so used to the awkwardness that i barely even said hi. urgh!


This has completely confused me, does he actually want me to say something to him? wouldn't he have made some move by now if he had any interest? but then I think after almost a year of my friend trying to get us together if he had no interest wouldn't he just say that to her... like shes really nice but just as a friend. I need advice i don't know what to think. He's the king of mixed signals!

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Well, you are the Queen of mixed signals so you obviously belong together.


Of course, talk to him. And try to say more than "hi.urgh" because that doesn't communicate a lot!!


Seriously, talk to him.

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I know but it's obvious how i feel about him, no thanks to my friend!

I'm just looking for opinions on what it sounds like he's thinking/feeling. If he had any interest wouldn't he make a move knowing for sure he wouldn't be knocked back.

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You won't know why unless you ask him - so ask him.


Suppose you don't approach him and he doesn't approach you (for whatever reason; let's assume shyness). So you never get together and years and years later you see each other and realise you could have had the best relationship ever.

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I will say, if u do have feelings for that guy.. Saying hi barely is very very bad..for most guys it shows us that the girl is immiture and not ready for any type of relationship,whether its friendship or more.. not saying ur immiture or any of that..im just saying what i would think if a girl did that to me.

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If he had any interest wouldn't he make a move knowing for sure he wouldn't be knocked back.


ITA with DN & p0w3RFuL. Some guys lack confidence or have been hurt before. He's interested but he wants a clearer signal from you. Go up and talk to him. Flirt. Do this half a dozen times. When you're comfortable, invite him out on a friendly group date with your gfs and their guys. Dress up. Be yourself. Let him do the rest!

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Thanks everyone, it never really occurred to me that I had to give him clearer signs, I was just so afraid of making him uncomfortable especially when my friend has spoken to him about me. We're always catching eachothers eyes when we're out, which means he has to be looking at me too though. Now I have to figure out what to say, whenever he's there I either go completely quiet or I say something pathetic. I've got to just try to be myself and not try to impress him so much.

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