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I really need help!

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My GF and I just broke up, which was entirely her doing. She tells me that she still loves me, but she has some things to do. She wants to be friends and I don't know how this friendship will work.

I love her with all of my heart and I dont know how this friendship is gonna work since we've been together for 2 years. We've been through everything together. She was my first... everything! I still have very strong feelings for her, she tells me that she still has some feelings for me as well and..... I just don't know what to do. She wants us to be friends for now... what the hell does that mean?


I mean, I'm 19 and just madly in love with this girl and she doesn't feel exactly the same way.


How could I just be her friend after we've been through so much together?

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Hi a_t_x2,


First of all, welcome to enotalone.com we are really happy to have you here. You said that your ex g/f want to be friends right. So let say this before you two were together, you surely shared something, you surely had something you liked to do in common, like friends. Or in other hands you may not be able to be friends and in that case I dont have to tell you anything. I hope I've been of some help.




Jeff l. Spiegel

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Well, why don't you tell her that you want to be her friend...but you cannot at this moment in time? Just say you need some time to figure things out. She should understand, after all she broke up with her...so she should. And she doesn't understand and won't let you...that is her loss. I just don't want her to treat you as a back up if things go wrong! That is all....I hope this helps and i wish you luck!

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thanks for the advice, I really do have to think things through. She tells me that she still loves me and after this I don't want to believe it. But, yeah Im gonna take some tim eto just get my life on the right track again.




Thanks a lot

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