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how do you win a girl's heart


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  • 5 months later...

Yes, dont try!


ill explain, be yourself, do the things YOU like to do, if you see a girl you find attractive, dont TRY and be the person you THINK shes looking for.


because you want that "perfect women of your heart" you have to show your true heart.


for many guys and gals, its a conquest game, win her/him over at all costs, well it could work if your just looking to have sex, many women and men fall into these traps.


If you want someone to love you for who you are, you have to show who you really are, and the like minded/hearted person of your dreams will find her way into your life eventually.


If your not the social type it will make it more difficult, not because there are less women like that but because you will be harder to be discovered.

just do what you like to do, as often as you can, you like bike riding, well be like a sneaker and just do it, ride in the park, ride in those charitable marathons etc. you like traveling? look for those group tours, you get my drift? because if your not a social drinker, your not gonna find another non-social drinker in a bar.

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  • 3 months later...

You see, sometimes its hard to get what you want, especially when the girl is indecisive. But then again; to categorize them as indecisive is like pinpointing 95% of the girls out there. You know, most girls are just unsure about what they really want, especially when it comes down to a serious relationship. But don't get me wrong, there ARE girls out there that are all for relationships. Anyways, if you two have been friends for a long time, it would make sense that there must be something more in the back of both of your minds. The reason she might be so hesitant when you asked her was because she doesn't want to end up messing up the friendship you two already have with each other. But if you truly feel that you want more then just a friendship, and you sense that she might be interested as well, then you should...well one second i will get to that. First of all, just make sure that you are ready and willing to take a very big step if this is your first time. But then if you are used to these situations you wouldn't be asking for advice. So i am going to act as if you haven't had much experience with this. Well first off, you should do something special for her...

The reason i say this is because if you just asked her that you two should start dating out of the blue, then that will put her into this really akward position. Even though you might have been friends for the longest, she will feel exposed, and so if you have already done that don't worry, this won't be the end.

Well this is my suggetsion. Call her up and tell her this weekend you want her to join you for lunch. Go to a nice place, doesn't have to be anything fancy, just as long as there is no dollar meal invloved you should be straight-haha. but yeh, start up a conversation with her and make sure that you are always saying something, but i don't mean for you to talk so much she won't have time to give her input. but just as long as you avoid any akward moment of silence you will be good. the reason you do this is so you can get yourself a little more comfortable and calm, and this will do the same for her. I say this because the whole night you will be thinking of her a lot. This is because now that you like her and you know you are making an attempt, you won't be able to get her out of your mind. but don't worry, she will have a good time as long as you keep the conversation going(key point).

Well, now that you have that covered, you need to do something else with her. Be it a movie, or the bowling alley, or video arcade, something that she might be interested in, or something you two have done in the past that she might like to do. Just make sure after your lunch, or dinner, you tell her that we should go and do something else, and if you she her getting hesitant like she is about to tell you "well...i dunno", just be like "well i would like to take you out to a movie, comon it will be fun, they are playing this really good movie right now...", and you just keep talking and not give her the chance to shoot you down just yet. but then again don't be too pushy, just natural. and so the more you seem interested about this, she will beome more comfortable with the idea. and i am sure she will tell you " hey, why not".

also, when you have a conversation with her, try and just be natural about it, and i know it is hard when you might be nervous but don't be. Just think about something funny when you get nervous that will help. Also, if you have a good sense aof humor that also makes things so much more comfortable. A girl always loves a guy with a good sense of humor. And you don't have to be the funniest guy ever, but making a few jokes here and there might set the mood very well. Anyways, when you guys go out to wherever it is, i won't tell you to just hardcore flirt with her, but do alittle bit, it helps to set the mood. well, i don't want to babble all day long, but yeh, the rest i can't really tell you, but don't worry, it will come to you. By the end of this night, you need to maybe take her for a little walk or something, or even if you want to do this in the car, but tell her you had a great time, and that you would like to do this again. don't say too much you know, just enough to let her know you are interested in her, bc when you say TOO much then a girl will dwell on every little thing all night, and that might work against you. now you start to wait a little and see if she is making an effort, if she likes the idea bout doing something similar again aometime soon then you will know, and you might be the happiest person at the end of that night. well, i am sure this will be enought o get you started, and sorry if this advice somehow doesn't help, but let me know the results, good luck!



Hillary and I have been friends for a really long time and now I'm starting to really like her so I asked if we could start dating but she said it would jus be weird. What should I do?
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I met a girl last year she has being my best friend since this year, then i fell for her, the worst thing is that she has a boyfriend who cheats on her, three days ago i made out with her and we agreed to be like lovers... but without her real boyfriend finding out... well now today she told me that we should better stop this, that she might be confusing her true feelings and that she might be seeing me as a VERRY GOOD friend instead, well i just wanna die...i dunno what to do... please ANYONE HELP ME i can't think i can't breath, i can't dream without her...

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