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Guys opinon plz..

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I added a topic on this forum awhile back about this guy that i met that i think i am intrested in getting to know. But i dotn know how to give him a clear sign that i am intrested. Guys, what to you think is a good clear sign you can get from girls to let u know they are intrested in you? i dont see him very often but am trying to make the effort to see him when i can as i see him mostly and work so i dont get to talk to him.

What can do ?

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depends quite a bit of guys personality. Outgoing ones, those who never get shy (noisy ones ), might look for some kind of flirting game or something.


But with shy guys, do not send mixed messages or play games. It'll confuse them 'till the end and they never will dare to say anything to you. With shy guys the best way to show your interest is just to go to them and smile, and talk to them.. and be regular with doing so. When he's gotten comfortable around you, tell him straight. That way he doesn't have to guess anything (from hints that low self confidence -people can interpret badly wrong), nor he gets shocked when your first words to him are: "want to go to coffee or something?"


Outgoing ones.. I don't really know what they might except, I'm not one of them.

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I see him at lest once a week at work i smile at him and say hello each time i see him. I too shy to ask him out becasue he might think i am crazy and wont talk to him anymore. I never know what to tlak about so i just talk about work. I was thinking about asking him what he does on weekends, whether he has a girlfriend and such then ask him if he would like to do somthing. ut i am too nervous. He mite just laugh at me.

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First u need to relax.

From my point of view best way out is taking a break from work ,approach himand telling him frankly what's in ur heart.and how much u long for him. and if that's not possible by you.Try to make him realize ur feelings and position.

You can do this in many ways. Making short interactions with him, by gifting him ur beautiful smile everytime u see him, surprise him by taking him to lunch or bringing something for him.

Telling him how wonderful is the time you spent with him, the moment of going away from u is very painful, talk of how much love is there in this world and how beautiful it is.

Try to find out what he likes doing and his hobbies, and then take interest in them.e.g. if he likes dancing ask him will he rock the fllor with you.

If driving is his passion, ask him to take u on a drive or u yourself can do this by asking him to join u.Or some stuff like this.

Hope this will help in someway to u.


Best wishes.

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Spend time with the person. More you are around someone the closer you'll naturally become.


And you could always just tell the person. Who says the guy has to make the first? If you like someone, regardless of what gender you are, just go for it. Playing games of whose going to say something, wondering if the person likes you... that gets you no where. The only way to get somewhere is to let the person know you are interested directly.

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