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Why was he doing this?...is it some kind of turn on???

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Ok, so i went to a party last night and i was dancing with this guy. When we were dancing he started feeling on my stomach, not like under my shirt or anything but like feeling/holding. This made me kinda self conscious but i wasnt incredibly uncomfortable just kinda surprised so i just kept dancing.


Is it just me or is that not kind or weird, i mean i guess we were dancing but still, I've never really experienced anything quite like that, was it just his "special" quirk?

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He kept doing it so clearly he likes whatever you have.


thats true, but it gives him no right to touch you! just b/c you dance with someone doesnt mean you succomb to them & they are allowed to have full access to your body & touch where ever theyd like. ugh it pisses me off so much! i clocked some guy in the chest at a club before for his wandering hands, told off countless guys & the list goes on...hey you embarrass & disrespect me, i embarrass you 10x harder.


girl youre young, youre cute, stay away from these horn dogs who "dance" like this. do yourself a favor.



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Lmao @ the last post ...but uh...yea I'm not really a clubber, and dont love to dance....but I do have one little question...


If you don't like guys who dance like that...why are you going to clubs...I was always under the impression that was just about how everyone in the clubs danced....not many people know how to dance in clubs from what I know...they just get lost in the music and dance like 'that' all nite.

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NO, not everyone dances like that. Only scumb that can't touch a girl any other time, they think its a free for all. I like to go to clubs to be out with my friends. It is not ok and not everyone does this.

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i am a really good dancer & rarely go to clubs anymore b/c i hate the crowds there & the gross guys i meet. i go to listen to new underground beats & dance. i enjoy dancing by myself. when i dance with a guy who has no rhythm or tries to grind me it screws up my whole agenda for being there. i go strictly for a good time and im rarely drunk when im there. on my 21st birthday i was the least drunk out of everyone & i danced NONE STOP for 6 hours straight. its the best exorcise next to sex.



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Just you y'all know, my understanding of the post was that she was concerned that he was touching her STOMACH and was wondering if "stomach-touching" was weird. I agree with y'all that if a guy is dancing with you and touches you in any way that's not acceptable to you--walk off the dance floor. Whether you confront him about it depends on the situation, but either way, respect yourself.

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