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Now what do i do?


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Hey for all of you people that have read my problem before now i really do need your help.

If you remember i was talking about this girl that i am in love with, the only problem now is that last nite we decided that we were going to watch The Ring with 2 other people. I noticed that during the movie "Nicole" the girl that i love was resting her head on one of my friends shoulders, and i thought oh-well no biggy. Later on through the movie she rested her legs on George and he was rubbing her leg, this actually made me pretty upset, cause they said that they didn't like eachother and i actually felt jelously because i wanted nicole to rest her head on me not George. I really don't know what to do as of this moment forward, later on today Nicole and i are going to watch "Old School," just the two of us. If any of you people out there have any suggestions on what i should do now Please Help Me!

I really need some advice or a push in the right direction i would really appreciate it. Thanks again for all of your help!



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i think that what she is doing is pretty shallow. i think maybe shes turning to anyone who might give her attention. and if she knew you saw her and she continued to put her legs on him thats really hurtful and do you want to be with her anyways. what does she do when your not around. and what about your friend acting that way? ask yourself these questions. is it worth it to be jealous of her? are yall still together. i know it sucks and it hurts and it makes your squirm but you can deal with it one time or keep feeling that way again and again. seeing her for the movie tonight might be a good time for a little while then what? ---never sell yourself short to anyone.. most people are incredilbly selfish anyways.. good luck.....h.h.

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What ever you do, DO NOT ask about that night or if she likes another guy. If you love her just allow her to love you do not force her, don't seem to desperiate do the same with other girls, you don't have to love them or even like them. If you are not together she has no reason to not lay on other people. If it upsets you play it cool. do not confront her. If by chance you know she likes you, don't question it. I have made that mistake with questioning my girlfriends feelings, she said she loved me, but i had to always ask about it. now she is gone and i have lost my love. so just play it cool. have FUN when you go to see the movie. always have FUn she doesn't want to be conserned with "love" right now. take her out if she enjoys it with you she will like you.



sorry i'm rambling, i hope i helped just a little. Good luck

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