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Anxiety, if you would call it that

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Hello again,


Earlier today I was at the movies with my girlfriend. We've been together for about two weeks now and are very close (lest as close as 2 weeks can get you).


At the movies, my hope was to put in the first kiss. Now I've only done this once before (with great difficulty I might add, in my own home so I guess I was on home turf) but I figured since I'd done it before, It would feel easier. WRONG.


I know she wanted me to because of a constant licking of the lips and an impatient sigh/breath quite often.


I don't know what I was afraid of but I was none the less and couldn't do it. I would get the point of leaning in, I would retreat. I would try to calm myself, get rid of any negative thought in my head and try again, and fail.


In the car, on the way home, she seemed uneasy, so I figured that I'd really screwed up. That our relationship could be in jepardy. Luckly I was wrong on that one. Some nice text messaging folowed when she got home.


What I can't figure on was why I was so afraid of nothing. Why I am so uneasy around the ladies. Sometimes I'm the smoothest guy you've seen but most of the time I feel like I'm in a cage and can't do anything.


What could I do to calm myself and get rid of that awful fear of god knows what. And what is causing this?


Many thanks in advance,



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You are afraid of rejection, we all are. The WORST thing that can happen is that she turns away from you. If she didn't want to be around you, she simply wouldn't. Apparently she likes you, go ahead and kiss her. Trust me, she will let you know one way or the other if she doesn't want you to do so.

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I think you should start kissing on 'home turf' as you called it. I know you have already but it would be much easier because if she does turn around/reject you then there will only be you to see it not the rest of the cinema. And besides if she was showing all the signs of wanting a kiss, the heavy breathing, licking of lips etc then I doubt she would reject you. Just be confident and nothing can go wrong!

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