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How Close is too close

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Ok, I'm looking for some imput to help settle a debate. I'm very friendly with my coworker and we've been talking quite steadily recently (about 20 minutes or so each week). Anyway, he's having some problems with finances and he's told me about it. I've given him some hints that I've found helpful and we talk about money and our bonuses/comissions etc. I've showed him some of my financial statements and he's shown me his bonus report. Here, the problem. My friend says we're getting too close and it isn't appropriate to disclose so much information. We've been talking for about eight months now and I just see it as giving advice and learning from each other. He has told me that he's taken my advice on streamlining his household expenses. What I really want to know is how close is too close?

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I don't think 20 minutes each week is very much at all...and you're giving him advice on finances and he has solicited advice on his relationship and you have given it. I don't see anything innapropriate here. It doesn't sound like you're flirting with him or spending too much time with him. You're acting like a friend...which is perfectly okay. Trust me, if you cross the line, you will know it. Your gut will tell you.

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