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i have decided that in mid july i will be going to spain for at least two months to work and who knows.. if it goes good make it a permenent thing.. in a few previous posts i have talked about a girl that i have fallen for BIG Time... nothing has happened she is still with her bf. so i wrote this.. i want to know if it is ok to give to her. or am i been too harsh





Please let me kno what to do asap

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Go to Spain.


Don't send her that letter.


You are basically saying in that "you have so much control over me even though you won't commit to me that I will throw away all the exciting things that are going on for me in order to stick around in case you decide one day to leave your boyfriend - my life depends on you". Yeah, not a very positive, attractive message.


I can tell you right now waiting for someone while they are with someone else, or while they wait to choose is NOT a good way to send message you are a catch. And don't plead your undying love to someone who is with someone else, and does not feel the same way.


Go to Spain, learn some more about yourself and the world, and when it is time you will meet a girl without a boyfriend, who DOES want you....but hanging on to this girl won't allow you to get there.

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