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Was in a relationship for nearly a year with my now ex-girlfriend. Relationship was fine, we just needed time apart (aka we both knew we had to break up but neither of us really wanted to). So we did, and things got a little messy and yea. Now, a few problems abound from this. We are in the same group of 20 or so friends so we have to see each other rather frequently. There's not much problem with that, I can be civil, even to the guy she brought to a friend's party. However, everytime I bring a girl to one of these gatherings, I get flamed, not just by her, but by some of the friends that are closer to her than me. This I cannot understand, and have confronted multiple times, but it does not stop. I really don't want our friends picking sides on this or dividing our group, but this might be too late. For the record, I did not even know her when I was with these friends which I had before her. More I and her cousin brought her into the group. Her cousin and I were good friends at one point, but we're quite bitter now.

This morning, her older brother, who works in the same area as I do (same parking lot) and I crossed paths. This was the coldest stare I have ever seen in my life, as it was also the coldest stare I was giving that I had ever given. Not a word was exchanged. I don't know what created this hostility, we seemed to get along fine in the past, but this was just intense. Glad I had a meeting to get to or something would have probably come of it.

Is there anyway to find out what exactly is causing all this hostility and how to resolve it? Obviously, we need to co-exist, seeing as her cousin/best friend is dating my best friend, we don't have a choice. We've both now blocked and deleted each other from contact lists and such, and been advised not to call each other, but what the hell am I to do?

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I hear you on this one.. I went through the exact same thing. Friends I had that were mine and became her friends sided with HER.. I was like WTF?? I wrote them all out of my life. Its wrong for them to do that but their actions showed they are'nt real friends of mine. It will get to the point where you can't stand it anymore and you'll realize these people are'nt your real friends. Even if you have to be alone for awhile.. like I was... just go ahead and do it. Im better off without them and you will be too.

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