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Ok, you all know that ive had a bit of a tough time of it recently what with the cancer and all... but there is light at the end of the tunnel and well basically.. i am now engaged!!!

So thanks to all of you who gave me advice on the whole thing with the 29 year old... you will be glad to know its all over!

Catie xxx

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Engaged to who...the 29 year old? I am confused....sorry!


And congrats...but please please take your time before you get married. I know that you will HATE to hear this, but 17 is very very young. And I know you believe you are different and more mature, believe me, I thought I was at that age too! But you will do SOOOO much growing between now and into your mid-late 20s and so much changing. I am now living with the man I want to marry, but if I had married any of my high school boyfriends or ones even from my early 20s, I would of missed out on so much of learning who I am, what I am about, what I can do, and the independence that helped me mature to the point where I am very ready and undeniably know my partner is the one for me, and me the one for him.


Marriage at an early age has a much higher risk of divorce due to the fact you do change so much and are not really truly prepared for marriage - it takes more than love. You need to be sure you share the same relationship goals, ideas on family, finances, have great communication skills and conflict resolution skills and so on.

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