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Dating A girl who still likes her ex, and what i should do

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ok i started "Seeing" this girl about 2 months ago, we have spent time together and have been getting close. But she dosnt want to be offically going out with the title and all. And she tells me she likes me a lot but dosnt always act like it.


But the Problem is that her boyfriend cheated on her, and then HE broke up with her about 4-5 months ago. And now He wants her back. And she says she dosnt want him back but she told him "not yet, but we will know when its time" (They dated for about 8 months)


She told me she thought they would be together forever and that she was so depressed after it


And she told me she dosnt want to be serious yet with me, Just take it "Day by Day" and she just wants to have fun


That makes me think shes holding out for her Ex Boyfriend.


Im lost, i really like this girl but im not gona let her drag me around, iI can do much better then her, But i still dont know what i should do


Help Please

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Ok, so your pressuring her by going to fast, I can just tell from the "I don't want to be serious with you, let's take it day by day"..Umm, ever heard of girls that are users? She's basically saying "Ok let's be friends,....except if you don't mind I'm going to waste all of your cash."



Break up with her, she obviously doesn't know what she wants, she's confused and she uses guys. She's not ready to go out with you man, plus I wouldn't even want to go out with her if I were you, throw her out like the trash dude. It's what she deserves she's basically wasting your life, time, emotions and cash. So why is that worth keeping this relationship sewed on by a thread??

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Well, Newdagaons, I know MetallicAguy isn't in your shoes, but I can't fault his advice. He's absolutely right, you should be happy at this stage of a relationship and not putting up with crap like this. Lay the law down with her, in fact why not finish with her before she does with you? Then you'll see whether she runs for you or the ex. Avoid partners with excess baggage like the plague.....

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Wow, at first I didn't know if I had posted that and not remembered. I'm in your shoes, or should I say, just got out of them. I had a girl who wasn't completely over her ex, and he would call her all the time. He cheated on her multiple times and would always manage to get her to forgive him. She was "in love with him" and they dated for a little over 2 years. She wouldn't date me right away because she didn't want to get right into a relation ship. Or more or less, didn't want to make her ex too mad. Point is, you should lose her, trust me. She will either realize how great you are once you leave, or crawl right back to him. If she goes back to him, did you even want her in the first place? And like you said, you Can do better, we don't deserve to be strung along and led on, it only makes things harder later on.

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Yea i work out like 3 times a day, But Thanks guys im tellen her off tonight, you guys helped me a lot im only 17 so i havent had much dating experiance.


Im just gona say im done letting you drag me around, And that i deserve better then that, and I'll be moving on soon so she needs to decide

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No, it doesn't make any sense. Theres no reason to be afraid of a "title" if you really like the person. She's probably trying to get over her ex, but doesn't really want to lose him. Wow, I'm only 17 also, but I've been dealing with this for 7 months now, and we dated for about 2 months, but were "seeing eachother"/she wanted me for my body also, for about 5 months. Yeah, but some great advice, drop her. That's what I did, and less than a week later, she came to me telling me how she missed me. So chances are you'll get the same reaction.

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No, it doesn't make sense - unles she is keeping you hanging while she and her ex decide whwther to get back together.


My advice is the same as the others. Move on. But you don't have to be rude or nasty. Just tell her you would rather be with someone who wants to be with you and not still hung-up about her ex.

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