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An x as a friend?

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Ok, well my boyfriend and I broke up about a month ago, and I was so hurt, Id cut myself and one day I looked at my arm and thought if I have to hurt myself over a guy then it isnt worth it, no one is when it comes to hurting yourself. So I just took at the strengh I had and let it go, which was actually 2 days ago. Yesterday I slept over his house. We had sex but it was more like friend sex. And I didnt have any feelings for him. But later on yesterday, he was acting so sweet, and it hurt to know I lost him.


So now he likes his ex Tasha again, shes my suppose friend. And I cant stop them from going out cuz that would be so selfish of me. I cant ruin that chance for him. Now my question is we are real good friends now, but will our friendship last, Id do anything to make it work, even if it means not gettin jealous when I see him with another girl. I heard if you atleast talk to one ex your lucky, I dont talk to any of my exes except Andrew.


My other question is, I know Ill get jealous when I see him with another girl, what can I do when I see him with another girl, how can it look like im not mad? I dont want to push him away. Please help

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its obvious that you do have feeligns for him. look i know you dont wanna scare him off but this way you're going ot hurt youself more...and not even "in the long run" but immediately. my advice: talk to him, tell him how you feel and see how he feels get some answers. becaues i doubt you want to be the girl he has sex with and then talks about "tasha". and if you're scared you're gonna push him away by asking him questions after having sex then this is not the guy you need. you're worth so much more. so get some answers girl! and worse thing: you know where you stand and you can move on with your life.

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