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Anyone cares about Love ... PLz HeLp Me !!!

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Hey There,


I'd really really really be greatfull if someone helps me out here.And here's my story....I just graduated from highschool...first year uni. and everything is going on ok.....BUT..there's this girl that i liked back in highschool..ya had a crush on..a big crush.and i'm 1 year older than her..first its was just me crazy about her ( and by the way she doesn't know me..and i dont know her) anyways..then when she started to noticed me....we had alot of eye contact...alot people !!...but unfortunatley i didnt do anything...so after a while she started to ignore me...u know etc..ofcourse i know she got bored of just starring..but in a while we had eyecontacts again...and so on..i didm't do a thing...the reason was i wasn't into the idea of having a girlfried...(which i am now)...so honestly i was shy...and not that brave to go and talk to her.

SO...this is how it went on till the end of the year..when i graduated..and bla bla bla...so i'm now in uni. and i still have a crush on her..i still want her....i've seen her since acouple of times...this year..in school(her school..she's now senior) and i think she still has a crush on me..u know eye contact ..... So know...i think i've got the guts to talk to her..i'm over the shyness..and i really want her bad......so my problem is...how to approach her....what to say...how to say it...where to approach her...i mean ya i've got some guts..but its not like i'm gonna go to her when she's with a dozen of her friends ?!! .....(And by the way...she's hot...she's popular..and every guy has his eyes on her....so she's rhat kind of girl....which i think needs a magic style approach to make her melt...........and also there's these rummers that she might of had something with another guy on school a while ago. I hope not) )





So bottom Line....i really need help people...plz....how can i approach her

where to approach her(i can only see her at hometime)

what to say to her

how to say what i'm goning to say

how to have complete confedant style when talking to her

how can i get her email or phone number


IS THERE A WAY TO MAKE HER MELT STARIGHT AWAY WHEN WE FINISH OUR CONVERSATION ??!! ..... AND JUST FOR THE RECOARD....U could say i'm a good looking guy...had a good reputation when i was at highschool.(but never had a girlfriend before)


and Thanks.....i really appritiate it

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I'm not an expert, but you should start with just walking to her confidently, and say "hi" smiling. That works for girls as an icebreaker every time (unless they really loath you). If you don't worry about what to say, you'll do well. If you do worry, you'll just confuse yourself and sound very awkward, you'll get too nervous. You shouldn't be the one who talks anyway, listen to her, and pay attention! Ask her about her interests, don't talk about yours.


Dig around in the Conversational tips -forum, lots of good advice there.


About the confidence - think that you have nothing to lose by talking to her. If you screw up, it's ok - you won't die or anything.. But you won't screw up, right! Surely you are an interesting person, so have the confidence! She is just as mortal as everyone, she's not more special than you are, so have appropriate confidence.

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Check it out.

Just because she has eye contact with you alot doesn't mean a thing. She is probably just being nice cuz thats how "popular"girls are.DONT BE DIRECT WITH HER!that approach never works believe me i've tried that.

Approach her when she has 1 friend around.Try to be sooo clean when you approach her.A girl loves a clean guy. Dress to impress. Do not look desperate cuz then you'll scare her. Be smooth and keep it cool.Wet your lips and ask her if she would like to go on a date sometime .Hopefuly she'll say yes if she doesnt then too.

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