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Please help, Im not sure which girl to pick or none at all

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Ok well Im supposed to go to the last dance of the year tomorrow, and I was planning on asking this one girl out who I talk to sometimes but I dont think has ever shown any special interest in me. and there is another girl who is gorgeous in one of my classes who is on of the nicest people I have ever met and she loves to laugh and smile. Even if she wasnt so physically beautiful i would still want to go out with her because of her personality. i am only fifteen but she is pretty much the girl of my dreams. now This girl in my class seems like she would be a person who would be going out with the older guys and she seems way out of my league but I dont think she really is that way. She could have any guy in our grade she wanted though. she sits right in front of me and basically all we do all class is talk and laugh and all that. It seem like she might like me but she also talks and laughs with all the other guys too just not as much. Now the first girl is a great girl but I just dont think she is interested and even if she says yes I am starting to think it wont work out. But I also dont know if this other girl is interested or not and she does seem out of my league. Should I ask the girl in my class out or the girl at the dance out? or should i not ask either out? i dont want to lose what I already have with the girl in my class.

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i think you could give it a shot with the one in your classes that you think is out of your league. look ill be honest, im sort of one of those girls whose really talkative and alot of people think im flirting with them, so she could be like that and not really like you like that. however, if she has shown you anything then go for it. you like her alot its clear, so just ask her to the dance tomorrow. something not too serious, casual and at the worst you can use the "i just meant as friends" excuse and it would sound legit. that would be my advice, however you know this girl better and yourself, but ya thats my two cents.

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Why settle for like a girl that you don't even know, when you can dance with a cool chick...who is also hot! lol.


Oh yeah, if this "out of your league" (just to tell ya, out of your league is a myth ) chick likes you, she will not be able to stare in your eyes too long, if she can, she has got to have "the look" lol. Like if you have some period with her like English and everyday after when you see her you feel like this attraction, gut-pulling, butterflies in the stomach feeling, I'm 99% sure she likes you, unless you have a huge infatuation over her and it impowers whether you can tell lol.

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yea I am a little worried maybe the fact that i like her is making me imagine things, but i dont really think she is like head over heels for me or anything but i do think that because we talk so much and have lots of fun together (or at least thats what it seems like to me) that she would probably at least give it a chance. lol or at least let me down easy.

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o yeah the girl in my class hangs out with one of the other groups of "hot chicks" and her friends are like all dating older guys. do you think that she might not go out with me because he friends wont like me. I have problably never said a word to them because most of them seem like stupid a55(no swearing i guess) girls trying to be kool by going out with older guys. So that is probably the biggest problem about this whole thing. Im worried because if we go out i will have to hang out with her friends at somepoint or it will be like she is choosing between her friends and me and that would be bad. highschool is way to confusing lol.

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That's because girls expect more out of a guy, usually by looking at their appearance, and how many dudes they've gone out with. And if their going out with guys older than them, their looking for guys more mature, so don't act like a dumb *** when your around her all the time, if you are, stop it.

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I dont know if the girl i llike goes out with older guys its never really been brought up but i think her friends only go out wth these older guys because they are older. one of her friends is goin out with the biggest doosh ever, hes just a big druggy. So i dont think its maturity that her friends are after anyways. anyways im not planning on asking her out right now because i am enjoying what we have already and i want to find out more about her and if she is just like her friends or not.

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