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I've never really posted on one of these boards before but i'm confused and thought that some other people could give me some perspective that my friends can't/aren't


background: I have been talking to/dating (i try not to label) a girl for a/b two weeks now and everything is going great we have great conversations and we talk a couple hours a day either on phone or face to face. i've been single for about 7 months and her ex (they dated 8 months which is her longest relationship) broke up w/ her about 3 months ago, for another girl which she just found out a few days after we started talking (she didn't take this to well, i don't think it's b/c she still likes him but just hurt her) so anyway we've been hanging out and doing a lot of stuff together and I kissed her about a week and a half ago and since then i've kissed her probably 5 or 6 times the problem is when I go to kiss her she always lets me but it's never a "real" kiss she just gives me a little peck. I'm not the kind of guy to rush things and especially with her b/c i'm very interested in her and i'm looking for a relationship not a hookup. but it does kind of bother me b/c she acts like she likes me a lot and I (being a very affectionate person) am confused that she doesn't want to kiss me more passionately


I know that this could seem trivial but I guess i'm wandering If I should be more aggressive or if she's just trying to take her time. I think i've missed out on relationships b/c i was being to passive. If you think i should be more aggressive how should i go about it? would asking her make things easier? I really don't want to become her "friend" i've been down that road to many times


also if any women out there could just give me some insight to what she might be thinking this would probably be much more usefull to me than any actual advice


thank you in advance for any advice/input or similiar experiences

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hey it seems shes still very hurt. she may be very flirty however she may not be ready for something serious. if her kisses dont seem "real" then i would just lay off it for now. even talk to her about it, you guys seem to have that aspect down pretty well. so talk to her and ask her how she feels about getting into another relationship or whatever. as to what shes thinking. she likes you but shes scared sh**less to get into a another relationship. just take it slow for now she needs time to actually move on before really getting into another relationship. she may even know this and not want to hurt you by just using you as a rebound.

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