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Here is the story. My girlfriend and I just broke up tonite. The reasons are unclear. She told me she is belemic and depressed, and that she just is sick of the boyfriend thing. What do I do? I still love her, and I am deeply concerned about her. I want her back. We had it all at one point. Please give me advice.




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im sitting in my room all alone. all i can do is wonder how she is doing. i want her back so bad, but am afraid that it is too late. how do i help her, and or get her back. i love her. we broke up, but she said she wanted one last kiss and we held hands and hugged for half an hour afterwards. help me please.

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i'm sorry to hear that. You must feel really hurt right now and kind of shocked. I can completely sympathize with you. If she is belemic though, then maybe you and her should focus on getting her help first because it is a very serious issue. And that is probably something that she needs to control and fix before becoming involved in a relationship. When a person has problems that are very serious in their life, they can't really focus on someone else that easily. I know it sucks to not know way you have broken up with someone- the same thing has happened to me. BUt i do believe that you should try to support this girl, be a friend and help her with her depression and eating disorder...if she will let you in her life of course and she will let you help her..just tryy. I watched someone go through that, and they were in a lot of denial but its just so not healthly physically or mentally. She needs to get welll-she needs to heal and she needs to build herself up before she can be there emotional for someone else.


I hope this helps you a little bit, and you can understand what im trying to get at here..



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hey! u sound upset- so im here if you would like to talk to me. Yeah, definitely be there for her and dont be mad at her with everything she is going through she probably just cant handle things. But pushing too much wont help either...U'll know what to do, trust yourself.

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