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Do I move on?


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My bf of 1.5 years and I decided to take a 3 week break. He claims he has lost patience and we haven’t been progressing and isn’t sure if this is what he wants. He tells me part of him wants to be with me but part of him doesn’t know if this makes sense anymore and cares less about the relationships working out. We also have major cultural differences and I haven’t introduced him to my family as of yet which is contributing to the lack of progression. I really love him and miss him a lot and want to make this work, despite all the flaws he has I feel like I’m willing to overlook them and work on them together, whereas he seems to want me/everything to be perfect as is. Today I went to his place to pick up some stuff from I forgot to take with me when we temporarily parted ways, and I noticed he flipped the picture frames of us around so the pics aren’t visible. Does this mean he’s trying to just move on and I should do the same? Or it’s too painful to look at pics while we’re on a break? I can’t be with a man who no longer wants me but I still feel like he wants this to work and we think maybe the space will help reset things. This is my first serious relationship and it’s all so conflicting.


Side note: My family is strict Muslim and I didn’t want to introduce him until we were ready to take things to the next step. Obviously that step can’t be taken unless he meets them. I’ve notified him of this issue prior to us dating but he said I was worth it. The family issue is part of it, he thinks it’s too much of a struggle now on top of our issues. He claims that I pushed him away over petty things I’ve said over text. He says we don’t see eye to eye on a lot of things and aren’t on the same page, but he doesn’t listen to where I’m coming from most of the time. I’m 26, he’s 34 btw. I know he’s pretty much set in his ways and how he perceives things. I’m not trying to push him away, and I really thought he loved me. To hear that he cares less now breaks my heart.

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