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Fashion Questions for the gorgeous gals

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1) I need to get glasses. What styles, frames, brands, etc. do you think looks good on a guy?


2) I'm a graduate student and pretty much anything goes fashion wise (no screened Ts with logos, and less Ts in generals). With my move to glasses I'm looking to put together a more mature wardrobe. I'm thinkin of moving to more collared shirts and button ups.


Can shorts every look mature on a man? How about this guy:


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If he does look mature, what makes it so?



How about jeans? I figure if I wear nice button ups with jeans, its just as good as kakais? What do you think? If anyone has any pictures they can find on the web as examples, I would appreciate it.


you could look at


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Sorry the question is so general.

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As for glasses, everyone has a different face, so we can't tell you. What you should do is go to look for eyeglasses with a friend, preferably one who is fashion hip. Try on like 30 different frames. Ask other people's opinions too.


As for clothes, everyone is different, so you're best going with something that makes you feel comfortable - something that matches your personality or your lifestyle.

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Oh come on. I know you can do better than that. There are general rules. That's all I'm looking for. I know everyone is different but. Wires or no wires? Round glasses or squareish? Jeans or no Jeans? Is there such thing as Mature shorts?


Who cares if everyone has a different face, should I get giant thick black frames? Of course not . All thing equal, what are you're likes. I'm trying to find out what not to get as much as what I should get.


I'm just looking for general fashion advice. Even if you know nothing about me, you can still point me to the right direction. These people know nothing about me




But they can still give me general tips.

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Glasses truly depend on your face....I think the square frames look great, with the black frame or brown...BUT on the right face. Others do better with the glasses that look almost non existent. Frame shape will change how your face looks greatly, so you do not want for example round frames if you have a round face as it will make you look, well rounder! You need to balance things out more.


Jeans are fine, as long as they are clean, no rips and for a more "mature" look I prefer they are a darker wash, and fitted well (not loose cut). No acid wash, and no underwear hanging out! Get a nice belt or two, leather preferable, as well.


As for shorts...I think the only places men should wear shorts honestly is at the beach, or while camping/at lake or doing physical activity (and of course since I am a cyclist...I LOVE lycra shorts on a bike rider while they are riding.....MMMMM.....split calves and killer quads!)...I don't think they can ever really be that mature/professional and on some people they just do NOT look good (chicken legs!). Of course, everyone varies so if you like em, go for em. Again just go for clean, fitted nice, etc and not short shorts....maybe mid/longer length.

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Yup - I stick by my original answer - glasses are very particular to one's face. More so than any other accessory. I've seen guys and girls with thick black frames. On some people, it looks hip, and on others, it looks dreadful. The people at the shop should be able to help you out.


As for clothes, if you are shopping from the gap, anything there is fine. Like RayKay said, keep it clean. In Southern California, guys wear shorts all the time - they're baggy and go to about their knees. But, it's more beachwear.


You'd have to post a photo of yourself. Depending on your body type and your personality, and your occupation, different things look good on different people. (I know you're a grad student - so am I, but different universities have different, unofficial norms for how their students should dress, so that's why I can't comment on you.)

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Okay, I'm tired of giving breakup advice, so I thought I'd give my two cents here!

As far as shorts, I love the look of long shorts on a guy---khaki long shorts are cute. That J. Crew pic you showed is a great length, just it should be in a neutral color. Jeans are great on a guy--Just get a good belt if you get baggy or low-riding jeans and wearing them outside. There was a guy I worked with that wore low-riding jeans and his butt crack showed---NOT CUTE ON A GUY OUTSIDE OF THE BEDROOM. It looked like he was trying too hard to be sexy.

Hey, I have black rimmed glasses!! They can look good on certain faces, but I dont wear them all the time. I prefer contact lenses and a good pair of sunglasses (Maui Jims are my favorite).

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you have darker features, look into darker frames. If you don't have darker features as a general rule of thumb stay away from them. Darker frames are good for wardrobe choices too because (and not that glasses really clash with clothing) they fit more into the sophisticated look.


Shorts are a casual thing.


Dark jeans are good (as mentioned above). If you really have money to invest into a new wardrobe, you might get a pair of loose cut jeans for more casual events. I agree about buying tighter cut jeans but not tapered jeans or jeans that could be mistaken as tapered after a couple of washes. They look terrible.


Jeans don't look as formal or whatever as khaki's ever.


Mix up your clothing selection though. Black is always a good colour to buy when you are looking into pants.


Polo shirts are very in. Buy several colours. I hate seeing guys that have ten million shirts but they are 2 different colours.


If you're looking into buy shirts that are collared with cuffs, ensure that you buy some t shirts to put under then so that you can button down when its casual. Funking up your look is always good when its not business. Roll the sleeves up a wee bit and unbutton a button or two (t shirt permitting).


Stripes and solids always look good on guys. Don't buy too too flashy of prints unless you feel confident in wearing them.


Blazers always look good with glasses, as long as you can wear them and feel comfortable in them. They have really become a way of spicy up your wardrobe and being semi-formal at the same time.


I also agree with the belts, but make sure that you find a belt that isn't too too flashy and that you can wear with multiple things. If in doubt, keep everything very very simple.


My best friend is literally in a program called "Fashion design/communication" I hear a lot abou this.




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