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Spontanious Kiss

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I'm so glad I found a topic on kissing. Anyways, I like a guy, okay I really really like a guy. I think he might like me too. But anyways, I want to kiss him. Can't you just imagine, doing those spontanious kisses. Doesn't even know what hit ya kinda kiss? Well, I want to give one, or for him to give me one...the only problem is, how do I do that? What would be a good way? Should I say, "I'm so bad at kissing?" I know it's stupid but maybe he'll go for it. lol...help!

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OK, what I am saying is that when you get an opportunity just lean in and kiss him softly and briefly on the lips. As you pull away, look into his eyes and smile. Say nothing. If you sense he is not interested, or he says something that gives you that idea just say "I like to kiss my guy friends sometimes".


If you think he is pleased by it - just keep smiling.

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By definition for something to be spontaneous there shouldn't be any thought involved. So when you feel like kissing him, just give him a nice, sweet kiss on the check. Don't think, just do. And by giving it on the check you are letting him know you like him without being to direct. Then it would be best to let him know how you feel so that more kisses should hopefully follow.

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