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Worrying too much?

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Hey! Well...here it goes....I used to cut. I did it through the summer and slowly stopped around december. But I find that when things start going bad in my life, it's like a reflex almost, all I wanna do is cut. Lately it has been worst then usually.... I have been with my bf whom I love for about 5 months, but right now there is a possibility that I might be pregnant and that is really bothering me...I'm like a train wreck. I also have a lot of stress coming fro different aspects of my life (ex graduating this year, need to get into university...) My bf is trying to do all he can to keep me happy, but I know that I can't rely on him, and that the only person who can make me happy is myself. Only everytime I feel like cutting he always seems to come to the rescue. Has anyone stopped cutting and ran into this prob? I really don't wanna start cutting again, but I just seem to loose it sometimes...

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could do to make the feeling that I wanna cut go away for good?


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hey im sorry you are going through a hard time. Dont cut yourself though, just think, its not going to help you, only hurt you.

Im also going through a lot of stress about every thing in my life. I worry about every little thing that comes accross my mind.

And if you or anyone finds a way to relax, let me know!

I hope you can handle all the stress and its good you have a bf by your side, let him help you and make you happy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My boyfriend and I were together for four years. He was with me through the worst bought of cutting that I've had, and he stayed with me through the best bought that I've had. We had a rocky relationship together though, and whenever it seemed like it would be over.. I needed to cut more than ever. I don't really remember what switched inside of me to make me start finding non boyfriend related ways of coping with things so that when we would fight I wouldn't want to as badly, but I thought that I would let you know that it happened.


People have an enourmous amount of potential to be stronger than they've ever imagined. I know that sounds corny, but it helps me when I'm low to remember that.


You sound like you're at one of those moments in your life though, where you're at a crossroads. Getting into university is insanely more stressful than anyone ever imagines. I can relate.


I guess the best thing to do is for you to find something that makes you happy and lets you relax. For me it was writing, and it's slowly morphed into writing/meditiating to calm me down. Try something zany that you'd never imagine doing for the relax factor. If you do, it'll be easier (not for certain) to calm yourself down the next time and the next time and the next time.


Messege me if you want. And congratulations on stopping in December =)

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ok sorry but i'm not sure it will ever go away for good. you will always have the memories and thought of what you have done and how it felt so good at the time and relived you from everything.I am a cutter also. I haven't cut in a couple months.But i have lost it before and gave myself a really bad eraser burn. i always think about it day in and day out. I started on may 3 last year my b-day and at first it wasn't that bad. But i started doing it 5 times a day and have about 20 marks each time. when my parents found out i had like 100 marks on my arm. Now ever day i still see the scars and they wont go away. and eventually when they fade i'll still see the memories. and it will always be there. you just have to take it one day at a time. it wont go away fast but your boyfriend can help. And don't say to your self i'm not going to cut for 5 months say to yourself i'm not going to cut today and then the next day say the same thing. if you set small goals eventually you'll concur your altament goal.

good luck and sorry for explaining my story i just wanted you to understand where i'm coming from.

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