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For anyone who's recently been dumped...

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I don't know weather this will help any of you in any way but it helped me when i was going through a break up.


A friend of mine suggested that i buy some seeds and a plant pot and get a stone from the garden. He said the stone represented the past, and to bury it deep it the pot. He said to put the seed in the pot and look after it and watch it grow, this represents you and the way you're going to grow.


I did this little ceromony with the stone and the seed and i looked after my plant and watched it grow. Each day as my plant grew so did i, and felt better and could feel myself healing.


I now have a massive plant and every time i see it, it reminds of what i went through and how i thought i'd never get over it and i thank god it dosnt feel like that anymore.

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Hey nice idea

I did a similar thing - I do think that gardening does help - especially at this time of Spring.

So a week ago (less than 2 weeks after my break-up) I took three plants that were beginning to die due to neglect (I never did anything to them last season as I was too busy with my ex) and I repotted them into brand new containers and gave them so TLC and now I'm watching them recover - like me!

I wonder whether it will be as long and hard a struggle?

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