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overly confused!

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well okay might aswell do some history..........met this girl online.......we had alot in common and seemed to click.....first time we met we went to a concert which was about 2 weeks ago.........and well seem to click even more...........holding hands and what not then we have seen each other 3 or 4 times and progressivle got closer "however she is pretty shy"..........this sat she called me at work during her break because she was having a bad day so i went up and we walked around for a bit and it was great!.............later that day her msn name was all lovey dovey and well basically asked me to a dance at my school and was flirty as hell.......of course i i accepted and we made plans to go............we have conflicting time scheduals between work and school so it is hard to see each other.........so for the past 2 days we have not talked then she comes we talk for bit.....and well her cousin has been having problems and is coming to live whith her.....which is the day of the dance and says online and her msn name is when i am alone i feel so much better and when i am around you i dont feel.........which are lyrics to an avril song "together" link removed and reading them well dont give me much hope......if you read them you will see why........ so yeah lol just overly confused and not sure whats going on. any suggestions or ideas?

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very confusing! it is way too early to get into a deep emotional chat. but i reckon she is just unsure about things, maybe she is scared etc. i suggest to talk to her but dont be too obsessive or needy etc, just be "cool" with her, reassure her you like her but dont be too heavy. so have casual conversations but slip in compliments every now and then. just give her some space as well. if this carries on for 2 more weeks then maybe you should just ask her straight out. if she doesnt tell you then shes not worth the time because it is not fair on you. i know it sounds a bit harsh, but she should tell you if there is a problem one way or another instead of posting it through song lyrics on msn messenger so everyone sees it!! hope it helps some how!! lol

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