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Need advice about a situation with my teacher

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I have a teacher who is a lot older than me who seems to be coming on to me. He is very nosey about my personal life, especially about my love life, and just last night, he asked me to go to the movies with him. It could be harmless , but it's making me uncomfortable. I can't tell my boyfriend because a similar situation happened some time ago with an older man, and it got way too out of control for me to handle, and it was because of my boyfriend. I don't want to get the teacher in trouble, but I want him to know that our relationship will NEVER be anything more than a teacher and student.

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When talking to your teacher, don't divulge personal details. If he asks what you're doing this weekend, say "hanging out with my boyfriend." Distance yourself from him and don't give him attention. You may be coming off as a nice girl to him, so you could be sending the wrong signals to him. So, talk to him less, be vague and give very short answers, and avoid eye contact with him. Basically, you want to do the opposite of what attracts humans to each other.

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I agree with chai714 but would add that if he asks you to the movies or anything else, or asks about your personal life you should also say "Thank you but I don't really think it's appropriate to go out with/answer personal questions from a teacher.


If he persists or your grades drop unfairly, you should go to the authorities at the school

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A teacher should never ask you about personal business. I also agree with Chai17 also. Don't have anything to do with him, except be his student and ONLY that. If he does it again, just ignore him and if worst comes to worst then you have to call authorities.

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