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I don't know what to do!

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I am stuck in between 2 amazing girls at the moment. One I am dating now and have been for aobut 4 months. She is awesome but is sooo wrapped up in me and talking about marrying me and talks about way down the future and we are only 17!


I am going off to college next year and she is all not wanting me to go, etc.


Then there is girl 2 who I've know for a year, we went out for a month of that, but she's liked me since day 1. She went through some hard times and still battles a type of depression. She is amazing and I love being with her.


I like being with girl 2 more and have more fun with her and my girlfriend is cool with that because she knows that girl 2 needs me to be there for her.. But now I like girl 2.


If I break up with my girlfriend, she would beee so hurt and because I like her so much, it would leave me hurting just as bad. This would be the same for girl 2 if I stayed with my girlfriend.


One thing is, I know that my current girlfriend will always be there for me as girl 2 .. I don't trust as much .. but I just can't pull away from her. Everything reminds me of girl 2 and not my girlfriend, and I'm finding I'm not talking to my girlfriend like I used to. She's gettin a lil upset about that. I just feel like I don't want to lead her on anymore .. But then I don't want to lose her.


Ahh man I am confused. Is this one of those follow the heart typa dealios?


I am going to college next year, and maybe I should just go off single, but I don't want to lose these girls, but then again I wanna have the time of my life in college.


ANY ANY advice would be grand here. Thanks alot!

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Quite the predicament you have.


But reading in between the lines says it all: You're staying with girl 1 out of guilt because she loves you so much.


You like girl 2 more.


You really want to be single for college so you can live it up.


Stop screwing these girls around and go have fun in college if that's what is really on your mind. Breaking off from someone is never easy. If it was these forums wouldn't exist. But it's probably going to be much more painful for these girls if you keep leading them on.


good luck

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Yes, I think it is guilt. But what do I say? I want to be with girl 2 until I go to school in September. And she knows that I am going off to school .. And I'm with my girlfriend outta guilt, I donno how I could talk ot her again and she hangs out with all my friends, etc.

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You are a straight up pimp! You should do what you want to and that's something that nobody here can tell you. Don't force yourself into making a decision either if you don't have to. Give yourself time to examine your feelings and things will become clear.


From what you wrote, it kinda sounds like you're losing interest in #1 and are more interested in #2. That's just what it sounds like to me. But you're going away to school soon anyways so it sounds like this decision won't make much of a difference in the long run anyways.


Enjoy this experience playa. Sounds like you have a pretty interesting life ahead of you!

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I think ur playing mind games with both of these girls... i think that u should just be single.... don't be with girl 1 out of guilt and don't play mind games with girl 2 cuz u know that u aren't gonna wanna be with her when school starts... so why dont' u just be single... don't be with either of them... then if they still wanna mess around with u then its all on them... but at least ur not the one in the wrong cuz u are single... no one ever said it was wrong to mess around while ur single... just be single and have fun... don't include heartbreak and drama....

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So I hung out with girl 2 again tonight and had a blast as usual!


My girlfriend got all mad that I wasn't with her which kinda got on my nerves. I think I am just going to tell her that I don't want to move this quickly and I'll be goin away so I don't want to get too attached and see how she reacts to that. If she can't handle that then so be it. I am young and have plenty of time.


As for girl 2 I am going to tell her what I am doing with my current gf and tell her that me going to college ma affect us and that I will give it a try, but I can't guarantee her anything. If that's cool with her then bonus. If not then I guess I have an interesting summer coming up as a single guy headin off to school in the fall.

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