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Me and her broke up a month ago today. At 1st it was nasty but things started smoothing out, we talked and almost got back together then over the last couple of weeks she met someone and is now dating them in a LDR. I've been trying to move on myself asked and talked to other women and it does help a lil. Me and my ex had an amazing conversation yesterday about everything that failed and what we each did wrong. Out of no where she says she misses me but is happy with who she is with it threw me off balance and I told her I missed her too. I've been trying to write her off as she is probably not coming back. But today she txt me to ask me about something really petty about what color she should dye her hair. I told Idc. I always told her that I needed space to heal and that my wounds are fresh and still bleeding shockingly she understood and has agreed to give me space. Basically we agreed no contact I have to txt her in couple days about our child. But Im hurting and I explained that. She completely understood. She's told me a couple times that she isn't over me but is happy who she is with. Part of me thinks she might comeback when her LDR doesn't work but part of me thinks she probably won't comeback at all. In the meantime since I'm not in regular contact with her I'm going to take the next couple of weeks months whatever probaly the whole winter to figure out some things. One being my own direction and place in the world, two if I really do still love her, three if I want her back if she does comeback.

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Well, firstly, an online romance isn't a relationship. That's just a safe place to hide. Secondly, you just dropped a bombshell in the middle of your text that you have a child with her. What are you doing to support this child? Why aren't you visiting the child at least weekly? This isn't all about you anymore. There's a baby involved and you're helping to make another screwed up kid with only one parent and a mom on welfare. You should have mentioned right up front that you were having problems with your baby mother. You're not a child anymore. Get back with the mother and work out your problems and take care of your baby! Be responsible.

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