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I have a crush...


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So there is this girl I like. And I think I'm coming here for more of a reality check than anything. But I found her music on my spotify earlier this year while listening to other bands. Her music helped me through a tough patch in my life after suffering extreme abuse from my ex, I had to put a restraining order on her. It was terrifying and a horrid experience. However this artists music has a healing factor in it for me. I could be in the pits of darkness in my mind and hear her voice and instantly feel uplifted and happy. Like I can make it through the day. I decided to see her in concert. I spent the day getting ready as if I was going on a date. I felt like a kid in high school. I wanted my appearance to be a reflection of how confident and beautiful she made me feel. I went to her show and she was amazing. She smiled and noticed me sometimes and even came over to me at the end of the show to sing when I started doing body rolls toward her and beckoning her to come here. I've never experienced anything like it. I waited outside to meet her after her set and the girl from the band before her noticed me and kept beckoning me with her eyes to come over while she was meeting fans but I was waaaayyy to shy. Turns out the girl i like couldn't come out to see us because someone started fighting and the cops were called. However she did like a couple of my tweets on twitter after the show even ones where I mentioned her when i got my wisdom teeth pulled. The thing is she barely likes any fans things on twitter and I was one of the first she liked and noticed on her page in a while. She liked fan pics from the show and meeting her but that's it nothing random. I was stoked until one fan that I met who drove seven hours to see her posted a pic with black blood coming out of her mouth and the artists make up line on and her lyrics drawn on her face. She liked it so much she added it to her instagram. I tried to write her a poem but after that girl she's never reacted to me again and I'm kinda heart broken. I really like her and I've never been so taken by a woman in my life. I know she had to see my poetry she just never reacted to it. It doesn't seem fair... I'm love sick over a woman I may never meet. And what's worse is that I post about her so much on instagram that other girls have started unfollowing me because they think something is going on. I'm just being a fan an trying to help promote her but I guess to them since they don't know her they kinda backed off. Everything has been so weird lately since that show. I've dated and seen a lot of beautiful women who are prettier than she is. But I can't take my mind off of her. Idk what to do. Her tour has ended so seeing her again is a wrap until next year. I don't know her personally so it sucks that I don't know if I should be dedicated so much of myself emotionally or even as a fan to someone I've never met. But i can't help how I feel. Please help me snap out of it. I've just never felt so immensely engulfed and enraptured by a woman in my life. Idk what she did to me or what happened that night but i can't even drive by the venue she played at without getting emotional. She made a broken girl come out of her shell and be beautiful. At the least I want the chance to let her know that but now idk what to do

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You mentioned that she was a musician, but how large of one is she? And also, I'd recommend taking a break on the Instagram posts. If she ever acknowledges them, they'll be sure to turn her away. I'd try and find a way to get in touch with her if I could. It seems to be a tough situation, but the reality is there as far as I'm concerned. You just need to be more specific as far as how large her fan base is, because that's a large factor in being with her.

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You mentioned that she was a musician, but how large of one is she? And also, I'd recommend taking a break on the Instagram posts. If she ever acknowledges them, they'll be sure to turn her away. I'd try and find a way to get in touch with her if I could. It seems to be a tough situation, but the reality is there as far as I'm concerned. You just need to be more specific as far as how large her fan base is, because that's a large factor in being with her.


She has a cult fan base and i deleted most of my twitter posts about her. I'm trying to differentiate myself from just being a fan. But when she stopped reacting to me it just sucked. I am gonna delete the pics off ig. my profile is private so i doubt she saw them. I put my name on the poems i wrote for her based off her songs and nada. Like you could google her on twitter and see the thread i posted under and there i was with my poem along with maybe two other comments. I know she saw it. She just ignored and idk why. Every since that girl.... maybe she thinks I'm just another fan trying to get on her page.. I'm trying to be her girlfriend dammit. I mean yeah I'm a fan but come on. I feel like i missed my opportunity and she doesn't hit the states again until next year so who knows what'll happen by then. She has a formidable cult fanbase. About 100k on fb and the same on Instagram not as many on twitter.... i feel like that ship as sailed and i try to just give up and move on but something keeps drawing me to her. I can't shake her. It bothers me i have these feelings when i don't really know her. I feel like I'm just gonna be let down....

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