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To do or not to do::::::Thats def. the question:::::

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I feel extremely bad for even thinking of this but here geos:

I've been going out with my boyfriend now for a little over 9 months, and I love him him sooo much however, the discusion of "sex" came up recently and he had told me that he loves me very much however he deosnt want to have sex until he's married...I asked me if I wanted to and I didnt answer becuase at the time I wanted to do but I wasnt sure how he would react...he kind of figured out for himself that I wanted to. Anyways I realized now that I love him more then ever however my hormones are def. getting the best of me because I want to 'share' that expeirence soo bad and I was even thinking of having sex with my good friend/ex-b/f this upcoming weekend becuase his parents will be in new yourk all weekend. I dont know what to do because I know that Im probley being really selfish and I dont want to hurt him or risk our realationship by getting caught....how can a I get this "feeling" to go away?? IN simpler terms basically I want to continue to stay with my boyfriend because I couldnt stand to lose him but at the same time I want to have sex ( in which hes not giving ) so I'd hook- up with someone else w/o him knowing. In need of advice...thanks

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I understand your situation very much.


If you have sex with this good friend of yours then he may get emotionally attatched to you and possibly you to HIM!! which is not what you want! Believe me you will live to regret it.....it has such an anti-climax (excuse the pun) but feelings of hormones can be misleading to our minds.


If you cannot wait until your married but your partner wants to, then to be fair, you must find someone who shares the same views as yourself.


thats my opinion,

Hope it helps you and that you make the right decision.



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Well, to be blunt if you hooked up with someone outside your relationship for sex that would be cheating. It sounds like in that case you just want to have sex for the sake of having sex - the thing is emotions do get involved, your boyfriend if he found out (chances are somehow he would) he would be incredibly hurt, and I think you are just inviting more drama then necessary into your life. Honestly, I don't know how you can claim to love him so much and then also state you are considering cheating on him in the same paragraph - they just do not really match up together very well. If you loved him you would not even consider it.


If you do not feel the same way as your bf (about waiting) and do not want to wait, then I would advise you break off that relationship and pursue other people and perhaps sexual intimacy elsewhere. Otherwise, build your relationship and remain faithful.


Honestly though, if you are feeling this way, it might be better to break things off - you are very young and since marriage is likely a long way away, you may want to be young and it just sounds like you two have some major differences when it comes to this issue.

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As previously stated, cheating is not an option. Doing so invalidates anything you hold true about your relationship. Even if you do not get caught, you will know and that seed will grow under the mattress until you can no longer stand it. Besides why would you want to hide something from the person you love.


Sex is both a physical and emotional thing. I understand the physical and emotional desires and how complicated they can be. But remorse is worse. Stimulating yourself is the safer bet, or maybe trying to establish just what you and your lover are willing to do and not do would be better. Sex is not just intercorse, but an ability to explore each other. Find out what the boundries are and maybe you can both be satisfied.

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THanx soo much I now realize how much of a selfish jerk I am for even thinking that because I'd never want to hurt him and honestly i really love him more than words could describe so im dropping the subject and ill just control my hormones to the best of my ability...again thanx to all that commented it helped alot...

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