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Potential Interest?


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Hello everybody!


I'm kind of seeking advice, but mostly opinions on this particular situation. My friends have given me their input, but it's been split in terms of what they think is going on. So I thought I might turn to the people of the interwebs


At my current job, I work along with our record specialist a lot. We originally worked on a large transfer project from one archives to another, where he and I worked together a lot on schedules and spreadsheets. We're closer in age than most of the department is (he's 5 years older than me) and we along very well. Traditionally, he comes to pick up things on a random schedule, but tends to linger around and chat it up with me. I'm essentially the liaison between my department and his work, but lately it's been a lot more than just that?


We've gotten pretty close the past year, to the point of where I know his family traditions, siblings and other details about his life. Even have his number where we SnapChat each other and Facebook. Traditionally, he only stays and chats with me for a few minutes, but lately he's been sticking around for half an hour or longer even to chat. He's calling me much more often than before. Usually he calls the requester for anything weird that was ordered, but nowadays he's calling me directly for almost everything, even questions or just some general things. For the past two months, there literally hasn't been a day where I wasn't on the phone with him for more than 30 minutes at a time.


He's once asked for my birthday, because he remembered during a conversation I said it was close. There's even a couple times where he's called me after he responded to an email to let me know that he wasn't trying to sound dismissive or condescending, when it was clear he was writing from a script.


Now, these are just some the generic basic things that have been occurring, but my co-workers and friends have definitely noticed. I personally don't really feel like it's proof of interest, if anything, I feel like we're just closer as buddies. But everybody seems to be on the side of he's trying to get my attention to show interest.


So I'm just putting this out there If you ideas or person experience I'd love to hear it, because I don't want this to become an issue within work. I really see him as a closer work friend, but not much more. And any advice on how to handle this if any!!


Thank you

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Do you supervise him -I'd need to know more about the working/professional relationship. My husband and I originally met at work. I would ask him to get lunch outside the office. I did that once with a co-intern who was outrageously flirting with me. Once we went for lunch he was awkward/nervous -turned out he wasn't actually interested in me just enjoyed flirting/the ego boost from my reaction. But whatever it was one lunch. No biggie. (And we only worked together that summer and then part time for one more year where we barely saw each other).

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God! Just ask him out on a date, will you? All this going around and around. Does he like me? Doesn't he like me? You get to know somebody by going out on dates! So ask him out on a date, already!


Thank you for replying! Unfortunately, I'm not interested in him like that. I'm asking for more of "how to handle this" advice.


It's not clear to me from your post whether you want to date this guy or not.


"I really see him as a closer work friend, but not much more."


Is that the way you feel about him, or the way you see the situation?


Thank you for replying!

That's the way I feel about the situation and him. He's a great buddy to talk with and get along with, but I'm not interested in him that way.


Do you supervise him -I'd need to know more about the working/professional relationship. My husband and I originally met at work. I would ask him to get lunch outside the office. I did that once with a co-intern who was outrageously flirting with me. Once we went for lunch he was awkward/nervous -turned out he wasn't actually interested in me just enjoyed flirting/the ego boost from my reaction. But whatever it was one lunch. No biggie. (And we only worked together that summer and then part time for one more year where we barely saw each other).


Thank you for replying! I don't supervise him. In fact, we work with different supervisors. We work together on numerous different archive materials, but not much more than that.

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