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Is Anyone On Zoloft? I Really Need Some Help On This One....

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Alright, so my GYN put me on Zoloft over a week ago.


And yeah, I've been having a few...issues.


First of all, I'm ALWAYS tired now. And light headed. And alot of the times, I'm tired but my body just will not let me sleep.


And I'm never hungry, so I don't eat, then I get sick because I barely eat. Or when I do eat, I always feel like Ill get sick. I've been loosing weight, I can feel it. When I suck in a little bit, I can see the outline of my ribcage and a few ribs.


I get shakey sometimes and twitchy and a bit paranoid...


My mom thinks these are temporary and will go away, but I keep freaking out....


Anyone on Zoloft? Anyone know someone on Zoloft? Please please please, if you know if this is normal or what to do..please tell me.

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Hi there!

It seems like you're experiencing side effects from the drug. I was on Paxil CR for a good while and felt similiar symtoms to the ones you are currently dealing with.


The biggest thing was the fatigue. I was always tired and it was interfering with my life so my mom convinced the doctor to get me off the Paxil.


You said you've been on Zoloft a little over a week. Sometimes these side effects are temporary and if you give the medication some time, the symptoms will fade.


However, I was on the meds for several months and the symptoms did not pass and that's why I went off the meds.


Have you spoke w/ your GYN? Zoloft may not be the right drug for you if you continue to experience these symptoms. If you still feel uncomfortable, then maybe try to go off medication for a while.


I am currently not on anything and I'm managing to do alright. Just remember not to use meds as a crutch as I almost did.


Hope I helped

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My mom put me on Zoloft a few years back for about a year or so and I, like you, always was tired, like non-stop i'd try to fall asleep in random places....I felt lightheaded and always had a head-ache. I told my mom and she had the doctor take me off it ...slowly...because my body was somewhat still addicted to it, and I changed medicines . Now I dont take anything becuase I don't need too, but what your expeirencing are def. some of the side-effects that come along with taking the drug. My best advice for you is that either talk to your GYN about how normal alll of this is and/or talk about having it switched to another drug..good luck

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wait wait wait - you had your gyn put you on zoloft? I think it would be better to talk to a pyschiatrist, or at least a GP to put you on a better medication. It really isn't a gyn's speciality - you know, medicines for social anxiety disorder. I think you should see a new doctor since you are having all of these side effects.

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I'm not on Zoloft but Effexor XR...same stuff, different pile. The way you're feeling now is a side effect of your body getting used to the drug. Sometimes it lasts for up to a month. If it keeps up much longer, get your doc to switch you to a different brand. It takes time to find the right drug for you...different drugs work for different people.

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I was put on Zoloft for PMDD (a severe form of PMS). At first I had little to no side-effects - the only thing I truly experienced was yawning all the time...but that stopped after a few weeks. I was on Zoloft for a total of 3 months. Within that time I gained 30 pounds, approximately 10 pounds per month. I felt exhausted, yet the symptoms of PMDD were dramatically reduced. I didn't mind taking Zoloft but decided to stop due to the weight gain - and THAT'S when my problems began.


Tell your mother to read about withdrawal from Zoloft. This is something that doctors DO NOT tell you. When taking Zoloft it's a wonderful drug, but getting off of it is a NASTY experience, one that I would NEVER go through again. It is mentioned somewhere that people have actually committed suicide rather than go through the withdrawal effects of Zoloft. There is a huge lawsuit going on regarding it as well. Some people HAVE to continue to take the drug even though they don't want to because of what happens to them when they try and stop.


I, myself, weaned myself off. After about 4 days Zoloft free my entire life was turned upside down and remained that way for about the next 1.5 months. I suffered from extreme vertigo and was so nauseated that I vomited frequently... I turned to online information and found countless articles regarding Zoloft Withdrawal - there are even forums regarding this issue!!!! I could barely drive because of the spinning in my head. I had difficulty working because of it!!! I couldn't get up off the couch without help... This spinning lasted for 1 1/2 months... and came and went with little "electric zaps" that I could feel shooting through my brain. There were other symptoms that I can not remember but DO YOUR RESEARCH!!! My suggestion would be to discuss this with your doctor immediately - wean yourself off - or be prepared to be on it for the rest of your life. I struggled through withdrawal without re-starting Zoloft - but there are many people who CAN NOT... Educate yourself!!!

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