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Not sure what to do and really confused!

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Ok os theres this girl that i really like in my class. We've been pretty close friends for a little while now since it kinda got out that i like her. She likes me kinda but she has a boyfriend which really bugs me coz its like shes rubbing it in. And one of my good friends likes her too and hes always flirting with her and it really makes me jealous. We walk home together and tease eachother. You know just playing around kinda flirting. She makes me feel so good about myself and i cant stop thinking about her but its just really confusing! WHAT SHOULD I DO???

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This is common feeling for any 15 year boy. I think most of guys at this early age fall in love just bcz of attraction. i'm not tellingthat urs is attraction, but hold on, u feel jealous when some one flirts with her and u dont wanna see her with her bf, this is not how u must think. make her think abt u. keep flirting. i think she is flirt kinda gal and it is risky to tell her abt ur feelings rite now. its all up to u now.. just keep flirting and atract her towords you.,... make sure its just not attraction but love........one fine day u can tell her every thing.. All the best

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let her come chasing you i think. i want this guy but i have awful feelings that more confident girls will win him over. the thing is, if someone lets that happen to them, you dont want to be going out with them anyway. make yourself noticed to her, which u have done, and just chill for a while, even if she doesnt know your everyday move etc and has to ask, she will ask i promise you, one day. See how it goes and just let ur life go on normally, so you dont feel totally into the whole thing which makes u feel jealous of other guys. girls run after guys who show they have a second life going on, like not just interested in a girlfriend, hang in there!

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