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I'm not controlling my own thoughts.Why are they hurting me?

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Interesting probelm. My entire mind seems to be almost difficult to control. In fact, if it had been easier to control I wouldn't have posted such topics as:


[link removed past-sex life is bothering me - HELP PLS


[link removed girlfriend was molested as a child, by a child...help |


Both 'issues' got to the point where I felt I couldn't even control my own progress on the problem.


For example; my girlfriend's past sex life bothers me. I lost my virginity to her, but her not to me. I can't get over it. I just can't Sometimes my mind starts to.......almost purposefully torment me. I would picture them. Together. I can't even be an 18yr old guy and enjoy porn anymore.


For example: I would come accross something that would trigger an image - a bad one. I would be screaming to myself, "Stop! Turn it off! Don't think about it! Stop it!" as I slam my fists down wincing at the pure pain of the thoughts.


I can feel that I'm trying to think of it as vividly as possible. To make it hurt. Purposefully.


Am I, literally, losing my mind!? Mental Illness?

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yep im a chic and im like that too, so dont feel alone. my problem by the way is obsessive compulsive thoughts, i think about thinks i dont want to, yet i make myself think about them...does that mean i want to think about them?!?!?! better not, or im truly weird, i think its just part of human character to let our minds explore everything. your not losing your mind, but i think u need to do what i do which is 'block the thoughts'. For example in situations when i want to focus on being a normal teenager, ** all situations u can think of, i just dont want to say em lol, i get these horrible thoughts threw me head, that wud suggest im abnormal, these make me think i actualli am abnormal, but i discussed it with ppl and they link it back to situations like yours, where ur minds just over active, and u cant get a grip. You need to look at strategies to prevent the thoughts and memories from cropping up whenever u look at things which vagueli remind u, and think 'no this is not the time for that' or 'this is unrelated...go away stupid thought' i still need to better my situation and i know its not as easi as it sounds, but you will get threw it! i hope this reply has been of reassurance at least

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wow! that's harsh! i can't imagen that!


well you can always talk to a close friend or a familly member or something.


sometimes these images tell you something, something bad. Don't let your thoughts control you!


Remember, it is YOU that controls your body, not your thoughts. It is YOUR choise


PLZ get beter soon!



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