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A little emotional advice

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I have a bit of a worry. Alright heres the game plan. I have been with this guy that i wasnt as attractive to as to my past relationships. And to make things worse hes got alot of back hair. Which i try not to let physical attraction get in the way of how i feel about the person. See i always wanted to man to treat me well. and i usually spoil my b/f. maybe a bit too much because it seems as if he may be taking advantage of me. money wise is just an example. i think he may be a little too much of a control freak. and the problem here is that when i get into a relationship i always seem to want to be around him and would risk me getting in trouble with the rents just to go out to see him. it seems as if im dependinhg on a guy to wipe away all worries from me. any help as to depend on yourself and not a guy. and not let yourself get caught up and drifted away from what truly is important. Please any advice would help!

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One thing you may find helpful is writing down your goals, and keeping them in a place where you'll see them everyday.


If you don't want to forget what is important to you, try diversifying your activities. Spend some time with family, some with friends, and some with him. Make sure you have balance in your life. Take care of yourself (eat right, workout) and do things you enjoy. It's important that you have time to yourself, and time with your family. This way, you won't derive your happiness from a single source.

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