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Ex Contacts me After 7 Months

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This all started yesterday.


I had my phone on silent and I noticed that someone had called me restricted twice. I never answer restricted numbers.


The day goes by and I get a text message from a number that I have long since forgotten. Her name was attached to the end. She asked how I was.


I didn't reply until today.


She asked me how my work was coming along and why I was going to Miami. To top it all off, she told me she loved me.


That freaked me out. My previous posts state how terrible the relationship was.


Anyway, I got an incredible feeling of strangeness hearing from her. The truth is that I don't want to hear from her.


Why does she want to talk all of a sudden? Why is she telling me she loves me when I know she doesn't?


I find this a little awkward and scary.


Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Strange...I broke up with someone last August and just 2 days ago they some how found my new AOL screen name and started talking to me. It is kind of the same situation I suppose. I have no intentions of getting back together with her and I feel the same way as you do about "The truth is that I don't want to hear from her." Our situations are a bit different in the fact that your ex is saying she loves you, when my ex and I are just making casual conversation (hows school, etc).


If you seriously don't want her in your life at all anymore, I would just try and make it subtly clear of it. Or if you have a girlfriend right now, that is an excuse in it's own right. Just say your with someone right now and you aren't going to cheat on them for her. Good luck with your situation and hope my 'advice' helps a little

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Yes, I've been with my recent girlfriend for 4.5 months.


I've fallen deeply in love with her during this time and couldn't be happier!


I'm sorry for being vague. The true point is that I don't want her contacting me.


I'm not bitter. I just don't like her. She's a bad person in my book.


She physically abused me, used me for sex, used me for money, humilated me in front of other friends and family, and cheated on me 5 times. Yes 5 times.


So, I finally came to my senses and left her. It's been the best 7 months of my life since then.


I think she wants to see me again. (sigh) She may have a child...

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She physically abused me, used me for sex, used me for money, humilated me in front of other friends and family, and cheated on me 5 times. Yes 5 times.

I would end communications with her. Tell her you have no interest in her anymore and are going steady with another girl. She hurt you way too much the last time you two were together and you are not going to go through that same pain again. Make it very clear to her you owe her nothing at all.


I think she wants to see me again. (sigh) She may have a child...

Is this your child or someone else's? If it is someone else's, it is not your responsibility. If it is yours...wait for another member to reply, as I have no clue how to reply to this Sorry I can't be of any more help

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That's just it. I want to end all communication with her, but I just don't understand how I can deal with her if the child is mine.


If that's so, my feelings for her still won't change. No one can talk me into even trying to be on good terms with her anymore. I'm done with her.


As for the supposed child. I'm hoping its not mine.

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Wow. This woman does not know what love is...it's bizarre that she can say she loves you after treating you that way. Do you know how old the child is? Did you ever have unprotected sex with her? You will probably need to get a paternity test and then if the child is yours you'll have to take responsibility for it in some way...I don't know how these things work but I guess in some cases, one parent has custody and the other has to help support the child financially while in other cases, there is joint custody...I don't know but these are things you will have to find out about. You might want to seek legal advice because your ex sounds like a shady character and you should protect yourself as much as possible.

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I finished talking to my ex today. She was basically telling me about how she messed up and how much she wants to be in my current girlfriends place. None of that would ever change how I feel.


We got on the subject of the supposed child. She didn't really say much. All she really said was that I couldn't help her.


Then, she told me goodbye and wished me luck with schooling in Miami.


I'm confused as to whether the issue had been resolved.


Any opinions?


Thanks for reading.

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I think you are right. Yuck. Stay away. If she wants to go through a DNA test to prove paternity, her lawyer can contact you, but to be honest it sounds like more head games to me. Put it all out of your mind and concentrate on your life now and how great it is.

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